I am 7 weeks today and I gained 0.8 kilos in total. Am I g(r)o(w)ing too fast?


New member
So, FTM, no idea what's coming. I've done some reading up and I read that it's normal to gain about 10-15 kilos during pregnancy. So, at 1.5 months and a few days, am I on track, or do I need to watch my diet?

I used to be pretty constant in my meals:
  • A protein shake every morning
  • Some nuts and veggies around 10 AM
  • Mo-Wed-Fri a salad for lunch
  • Tue-Thur some spelt wafers (some kind of low carb grain) with carpaccio/avocado/egg salad
  • dinner I basically made what I wanted to eat that day
That all went out of the window when I got pregnant. Both the salads as the spelt wafers SERIOUSLY gross me out now. So I'm back on carb heaven for lunch: bread. I have some yoghurt for breakfast because I just can't do solids when I just woke up (and I read somewhere that protein shakes can be bad, so I'm asking next Monday at my first ultrasound appointment if I can go back on the protein shakes). Every time I feel queasy, I have a dry cracker.

Is this good? Bad? HALP.
@kmichonanchored Step away from the scale! They are already going to weigh you at your appointments so they will monitor your gaining. Eat what you can because you could be getting unstoppable morning sickness at any moment. Keep eating what you can (id think protien shakes are still okay) but step off the scale. You don't need that weighing on your brain. (Haha. Weighing. See what I did there?)
@kmichonanchored 0.8 kg? That could very easily be extra fluid or other random variation. I'm 9w5d and thought I had gained 2 kilos already, two days later I was at my exact prepregnancy weight again shrugs. And even if you've gained a bit (0.8 kg is not a lot really!), don't worry about it too much!
@kmichonanchored I hope it's not bad! I'm 5 weeks in and gained 5 pounds already - although judging by how bloated I am, it's probably mostly water. I think asking your doctor is a good plan. In the mean time, it probably isn't worth worrying about. You are eating what you can manage, the weight gain is slight (and it might all be bloating/water), and women gain weight differently.
@kmichonanchored 7 weeks too, and I was eating very healthy prior to getting pregnant as well. I'd "meal prep" my lean protein, fruits, and veggies every Sunday and count calories (I was going for 1350 calories on weekdays and 2000-2500 to "splurge" on the weekends). Once I got that BFP, I increased my calories per day to the "maintenance" amount and I've been slipping and eating a lot more bread, crackers, and ice cream. I've gained 2 pounds already, and been wondering the same as you - am I going too quick or is it bloat? But I have read gaining 4 pounds in the first trimester is considered normal. I definitely don't want to go crazy this early on, but I also don't want to eat below my maintenance level and risk not getting the right nutrients. So for now, I'm just trying to get fruits and veggies in when I can stomach it and I'm working on eating less ice cream / bread, but nobody's perfect. I think you're doing just fine.
@kmichonanchored Oh well forget about losing weight for the next 33 weeks lol. You'll probably start eating better foods and that might get you to lose weight (or the morninh sickness ) but if that doesn't do it just try not to think about weight cuz it'll drive u crazy.
@kmichonanchored .8 of a kilo could be the difference between a few litres of water and a good poop that day. Unless you're very overweight and have been told to watch it like a hawk, let your doctor advise you.

Some people gain a lot, some people gain a little, some people lose weight.
@kmichonanchored Weight gain is completely dependent on your starting weight, and your body. I have only gained 8kg so far, at 34 weeks, but I was slightly overweight to start with. A friend the same height as me, but weighed much less at the start of her pregnancy, gained 14kg. Just listen to what your doctor/midwife says and don't panic!

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