I (21f) just got a kyleena iud and I’m not attracted to my boyfriend(22m). Is this a normal thing that happens?

@kupdiane Kind of an odd question but if you don’t mind sharing — when they sent you for an ultrasound, was that like a normal thing covered by insurance, or did it cost a lot? I’ve been having some different feeling localized pain in my lower abdomen with my replacement IUD and I’m going back to the doc this week. Ideally I’d like an ultrasound to confirm it’s situated right but I don’t want to feel like I’m asking for something crazy, or have a huge bill afterward
@jacenock I'm in Canada so I'm not sure where you're located, but for me it was covered. I'd like to imagine if it's because you're experiencing pain that any insurance company should cover it.
@charmaine93 i understand where you’re coming from because my hormones greatly affect how i want to interact with others. for example during ovulation i’m pretty outgoing and flirtatious and all over my partner, but when the estrogen tanks closer to my period i’m annoyed at everyone, i don’t care about being close to my partner, i just want to be left alone. perhaps something similar is happening to you?

hormones don’t directly affect who you’re attracted to, but they can affect your mood which in turn can dictate how you want to interact with others.
@charmaine93 i got mine about two months ago, im 22. for awhile the pain and healing made sex sound daunting, you have a foreign object inside you lol. it wasn’t necessarily an attraction thing. if you’re feeling annoyed/frustrated it’s easy for hormones to do that
@cmbrumme this!!! i got mine in september 2023 and i was in soo much pain the day i got mine. like passing out puking and just the worst continuous pain ive ever felt for a while 2 days and i couldn’t keep any food down for over 24 hours 😅. So much pain horrible cramps for 2-4 weeks afterwards and i just felt like sex was impossible to fathom. but now it’s perfect and i don’t even think abt it anymore hahahah
@charmaine93 Changing hormones and how they interact with your own hormone receptors own can absolutely affect your relationships in this way. Just ask women with PMDD.

It might not happen for everyone, but if it seemed like a switch flipped once you got it inserted, I would question whether it’s the right form of BC for you.
@charmaine93 No, birth control doesn’t affect attraction. It can affect smell and taste but not attraction. It sounds like correlation not causation. If the relationship is new it sounds like you’re just not vibing with it anymore
@aaronthestudent well, hormones can affect things like mood, anxiety, anhedonia and depression which could lead to diminished desire to hang around people or lessened interest in others. this is especially common in depression, which is a side effect of birth control.
@charmaine93 When I got on Kyleena, I was only in 6th grade (I got it to help control my periods). But as I got older, my libido has been lower. I’ll go through phases of it being super high and then it’ll be super low. My ex was a prime example of that, but he got frustrated when I wasn’t wanting to have sex often and we ended up breaking up (not just because of this, but it was definitely part of). I had also been out of whack with emotions. I don’t think there was ever really a time I didn’t want to visit him though aside from the effects of an IUD hitting me. But everyone’s experience is different. My opinion would just be to sit and talk to him about what’s going on and see if that helps figuring out if it’s the BC or if you’re just genuinely losing interest.
@charmaine93 Kyleena made me have incredible mood swings and it did affect my libido… i also gained 30 off of it so after 2 years and a half, i got it removed (3 weeks ago). I realized that i was less moody and my libido is coming back to what it first was
@xorez I feel like my Kyleena is responsible for me being unable to lose weight, even though supposedly it “can’t” affect weight gain because it’s “localized” 😵‍💫
@charmaine93 I found that this happened to me at first but once my body got used to it I went back to normal. I’m very happy with the Kyleena it’s the best birth control in my opinion.
@charmaine93 I got the Kyleena, had it for 5 years, and recently had it removed.

It REALLY affected my libido, but the severity of the effects tended to ebb and flow, at least for me. There were definitely times where I had no libido at all, but then times it returned. Like, literally times where I thought I might be asexual, but then a few weeks later everything is normal. After getting my kyleena out, my sex drive definitely increased, but I also think it was totally worth a slightly weird libido for 5 years of bc.

If this is a new relationship, it might’ve run it’s course like some commenters are saying, but I just wanted to let you know that this is something that has happened to someone else as well!
@wowgirl2013 THANK YOU!!! omg all of these people saying it doesn't mess with their attraction are insane, several studies have been done on several types of birth controls where women no longer find their significant other attractive!
@charmaine93 When I got my iud, we didn't have sex for a good 7 days because the doctor told us not to. We've always had about 3 times a week, and it stayed approximately the same, but towards the end, I avoided having sex because I was sure my iud was hurting me. My attraction to my bf stayed the same, and my libido always had its high and low moments. Hope this helps.
@charmaine93 I’m not sure about attraction but when I was on the pill my sex drive was non existent. I actually went off it because I started to hate everyone in my life. Couple days after stopping, I was back to normal.