I’m so tired of my 1 y.o. Being sick.


New member
My one year old has had a cold for 10 days. And it’s not getting any better. He hasn’t been able to go to daycare (pretty sure that’s where he got it) and we’ve just kept him at home with the exception of walks.

I’m losing my mind. My husband and I have switched off who stays at home from work to be with him, so the days I do work I’m completely swamped with just catching up. I’m on a long weekend right now (I’m in Canada) and I go back to work Tuesday but there’s no way he’ll be over it by then so I guess I’ll be staying at home again.

I feel like the days my husband is at home, he does the bare minimum then when I get home he expects me to take over everything because he has this “UGH, I’ve been at home with him ALL day” attitude, but then when I stay at home with him, he thinks that he’s had it so rough because he was at work and I “stayed at home all day”. I’ve literally spent my entire long weekend cleaning (there was dog fur everywhere from a week of no vacuuming) and doing laundry, just trying to get everything somewhat back together and disinfected.

One day my husband wasn’t scheduled to work until 1:00, so I said ok I’ll go in for the morning and you can leave when I get home (around 12:20). He got posted off and gave me the silent treatment the rest of the night. He’s mad because he thought I’d just stay home the full day, and he’d sleep in and shower and get ready while I had our one year old.

Also, I’m really tired of wiping his snotty nose, and then his hands because he’s wiped his snot all over his hands. That probably makes me a bad mom but idgaf.

He’s has a dr. appointment tomorrow. But he’s nowhere near being over it and I feel like I have another week of this. I’m going to lose my mind.
@charliegirl_24 Have the symptoms kept him home from daycare or are you doing that by choice?? Is there anyone that could watch him for a couple hours one of the upcoming evenings so you two could get some semblance of a break? I hope he’s a good sleeper at night…
@katrina2017 He can’t go to daycare if he’s sick, at all. He’s coughing and has a runny nose so there’s no way they’d let him come.

He sleeps well at night normally but his cold is keeping him up.

We don’t really have any family here that could watch him, so no. I’m hoping by mid-week things improve and that he can go back to daycare on Thursday.