I’m so sick of feeling like I’m always doing something wrong…

@drawingangel2 It sounds like he’s your teenage son, raging with puberty hormones, unable to adult. Does he behave like this often? I wouldn’t be able to live like this.

Couples counseling if you want to try and save the marriage OP. Otherwise all I can say is that his behavior is not normal or okay. Is this the type of partner you want your children to be or have? This is the example you are setting for them.
@drawingangel2 Don’t you dare back down. You raise his kids and look after everything. Treat him like shit and then demand a foot massage.

Honestly, anyone woman whose in a relationship with a man has seen a temper tantrum a time or so. I’m a very open communicator. So kick and scream all you want, BUT WE GONNA TALK ABOUT IT. And talk and talk and talk. Do not set your pride and self respect aside.
@drawingangel2 Do you feel like there’s ever been a time where he had some insight into his poor behavior, or is it in one ear and out the other?

If someone with entitlement issues is willing to address it, it’s life changing. And your relationship will change. But you have to work too, in the sense of not sweeping your feelings and hurt under the rug and making sure your POV is heard and respected. ARGUE with that man and stand your ground.

If you constantly are feeling like you need to leave that situation, you should. For yourself.
@katrina2017 We do go to couples counseling which is helping. But most of the time he sees things as “my fault”.

It also doesn’t help that he grew up with extreme gender roles and disfunction in his family.
@drawingangel2 I get it. I feel like I’ve lived this. Not everyone is capable of change, but when they are willing to embrace it, you’ll see their entire world view change and your entire life will improve.

I don’t advocate staying in an abusive relationship. I definitely don’t condone abuse.

But I see so many moms come to this sub and another like it and everyone immediately starts screaming LEAVE. But damn, we have all likely had one time or another where we personally were shitty in one way or another.
@katrina2017 I get it. This post sounds horrible but it’s an hour of our lives together. We definitely aren’t divorcing but I also want him to recognize that not everything is about him.