I’m not doing alright

@mikeyrobbie Not sure what the circumstances are about your baby but with my first, we had an ultrasound technician make an error with not one but two measurements.
Sending us into a panic, we realized at the next ultrasound that the measurements taken were in fact wrong.
Long story short, mistakes can be made and it is best to always get a second or third opinion.
I wish you all the best
@mikeyrobbie I hope you’re doing okay. My wife and I are expecting our first kid and the baby has fetal restricted growth aka small baby so she’s going to be induced.

First thing is breath. Then take another deep breath.

You are getting help from the doctors, you’re in the right place. They know what’s best.

From our experience there are a TON of reasons baby could be small including being constitutionally small aka they just are the same way a person may just be short. So keep that in mind. That’s why they are going to do other tests and with more frequency to help them assess if it’s concerning or not.

I know it’s scary but you’ve got to try and wait until you have more information. And don’t be afraid to ask questions. We asked tons of questions and had them explain what percentiles were good or bad and the context etc. never feel bad about learning.

And on a relationship note, you don’t have to be the rock 100% of the time. It’s okay to admit to your wife that you’re scared while you’re comforting her.
@mikeyrobbie Listen man. I have zero clue how your situation is gonna play out but I can offer you my experience. Our entire pregnancy it was one thing after another. My wife bled for the first 20 weeks with a subchorionic hematoma. At 16 weeks they told us his brain wasn’t developing correctly. Then they told us he had too much fluid around his brain.

They had us absolutely terrified from day 1 until he was born.

My son is fine. He’s amazing. He has a couple physical limitations but nothing that will impact his ability to live a fulfilled life. Like… they don’t know so much more than they do know. It’s depressing how much they don’t know. Children are amazingly resilient little things. Try to remain calm and remember that these doctors aren’t gods and they don’t know. Also, no matter what happens, your baby is gonna be amazing.