I’m Continuing My Pregnancy After Failed Abortion


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Hello, before I get started I wanted to make it known that this is the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make in my life. To fill everyone in I’m 25, I have a 6 year old who I’ve been raising alone since he was one due to domestic violence. Last year I met my current boyfriend after being single for 5 years I decided I was ready. 12/23/19 I found out I was pregnant which instantly filled me with fear. My S/O wanted me to keep it but Because if having to do this the last 5 years alone I was scared to move forward with the pregnancy. I went in for a medical abortion 12/30/19 they said I was 4 weeks. I’ve regretted it everyday since. The clinic gave me one pill orally and 4 to take home and insert vaginally. The next day I woke up and went to the bathroom. There was so much blood but that only lasted 1 day. After that it was very lite pink spotting for maybe 2 more days then nothing.

After getting the abortion we decided we needed to take a trip to FL so we could be happy and get our minds off the recent events. The whole time driving there (18 hours) I was feeling so nauseous but just thought I maybe had a little bug because it is winter. My breast were also really sore and tender which I thought was the remaining pregnancy hormones. ANYWAYS.. skip 2 weeks later 1/23/20 I decided to go back for my follow up appointment at the clinic.

During the ultrasound I could tell something wasn’t right by how many pictures she was taking. She then told me the medical abortion failed completely, there’s now a heartbeat, and the baby has grew to 7 weeks and 5 days. They also told me that I’d now have to get a surgical abortion that day. I was so shocked! I had so many questions but all they kept saying your baby will be born without limbs and other abnormalities and you won’t know till after they are born.. I’ve had a baby before.. I know for a fact if a child is missing a limb you’ll most definitely be able to tell well before birth. Also there is so much testing they can do well before birth.. I left uncertain of what I wanted to do.

Later that night I went to the hospital to get some testing done and an ultrasound. I was indeed 7 weeks 5 days, there was a heartbeat, my HCG, blood count, etc.. was checked and the doctor said everything was fine! Therefore I’ve decided to keep my child as I feel this is a sign it was meant to be. The chances of having a continuing pregnancy after a medical abortion are 1% (What I had been told).

Yesterday, I had my first appointment with my OB. We did an ultrasound and confirmed my child is still growing at a normal rate with a healthy heartbeat. 8 weeks and 4 days. I asked her if she’d ever had a patient who had gone through the same things I am currently and she surprisingly said yes! Even continued on telling me about patients she’s had who’ve had failed surgical abortions and carried their child full term and they came out healthy. She said it is either a hit or miss with the medical abortions. Either it’s coming out or it’s not and things will be fine. I go back in 2 weeks to get genetic testing and all other things done.

I’ve researched this subject so much. I’ve read it’s a bout a 1% chance more then a “normal” pregnancy that the baby might come out with abnormalities. I read so many stories of successful pregnancies with healthy babies after a failed medical abortion. It’s hard to really know because of the lack of research in this subject.

I I guess I want to know has anyone gone through with this? Or does anyone know of someone who has and how it went for them?

Blessed to have a second chance I remain nervous with the unknown that might present itself later on.
@yvonneceleste No experience but I wanted to wish you good luck. How crazy! They should be able to tell soon if the baby is developing normally. And I would think your OB would consider this a high risk pregnancy and order extra ultrasounds to monitor it.
@freeindeed836 Just had an appointment at 10 weeks and 3 days!

Had and ultrasound and blood work!

Ultrasound showed babies growth is normal and now has arms and legs! Heartbeat at 157!

BLoodwork was routine and also the Myraid Prequel screen which is genetic testing and finds the sex! We find out the results in 7-10 days.

My OB said she spoke to a high risk doctor about my situation. The high risk doctor told her at 20 weeks I will need an echo gram on the babies heart and to steadily monitor babies development. As we have been.

I go back in 4 weeks for another look at the little one!

So far so good!

Thank you
@yvonneceleste I've never gone through this but I specialize in women's health in my state legislature. The best understanding of malformations in continued pregnancies after a failed medical abortion seems to be due to decreased blood flow to the fetus during the abortion. It can result in limb growth reduction and craniofacial abnormalities. Those things can be shown on ultrasounds but some of the other issues like Bell Palsy cannot. That's probably why the dr said you wouldn't know the extent until the baby is born.

I wish you luck. From what I've read about it, it's very rare so not a lot of literature has been done around it. Most of the information comes from countries where abortion is illegal and women take much higher doses of the abortion pill than what is prescribed by Drs here. It is possible the concern could be limited due to that.

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