How would you react if I rudely, intentionally bumped into your child?


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I (20M) was visiting my girlfriend’s (20F) parents’ house earlier this month. My girlfriend has a 6-year old brother that I’m going to call “J”. J really looks up to me, and he always wants me to do things with him. I agree to play with him mostly because I’m nice. In reality, I think that he is adorable, but at the same time, he’s a bit too energetic and bratty.

So anyway, I was with my girlfriend in her room, lying on the bed with her, and she gave me permission to feel her up. So I put my hand under her shirt and got intimate with her……when J loudly barges in, without even knocking. He ruined the entire mood, and my girlfriend and I quickly sat up and acted as if we weren’t doing anything. J marched into the room because he wanted me to play video games with him. However, I got fed up with him and his moment-killing behavior, so I abruptly told my girlfriend that I was heading home. I exited the room, and J was standing in my way, and to be honest, I didn’t care that I rudely bumped into him on the way out. My girlfriend got angry and she said “hey!” when I bumped into her little brother, but I didn’t care.

Now I’m feeling kind of guilty about this whole experience. How badly did I mess up here? My girlfriend's parents like me a lot, so hopefully they aren't pissed off or anything.
@jared1991 Well, let’s back it up here. If you don’t want your “moment killed” by my 6 year old whose house you’re a guest in, find somewhere else to “get intimate” with my daughter. And yeah, if I saw you, a 20 year old guy, slam into my 6 year old child, you would not be welcome back. You have poor judgment and make bad decisions.
@bekaki This post pretty much made my blood boil this early 🤦 and its just 20mins past 6in the morning where I'm at.

Hurting a kid just because he is horny is waaaaay out of line. To think that the kid looks up to him. Yet, I'm not 100% surprised that he has this side as he was already carrying his own chair by saying he's nice that's why I'm playing with him but I think he's bratty 😔🤬
@jared1991 Eeer. Is this more like AITA post? Coz dude, you definitely are one. First, you are a VISITOR of that home. Regardless if you are on the good side of the parents, please know proper etiquette.

Second, what's up with the line, "I agree to play with him mostly because you're nice"? So do you want to be offered a statue just because you were "Nice" and played with a kid? You weren't really nice if that's the reason you're playing with kids, tbh. Starting from this line, I know you're about to do something not so nice 🤦

Third, 6 yo is still a KID. You were once a kid! Kids really do have that overflowing energy vibe wanting to play with whoever they can play with. You were older and should have known better. Poor kid for loving such person and for looking up to a BOY like you. Yes you still a boy. You wouldn't be doing that if you're such a man. 🤦🤦

Fourth, if I was your gf.... you'd be outta my life. You bumping into that kid just because you were in the mood for some sexy time and got interrupted is such a dickmove. Your gf should know better 😒 coz if you were able to do that to her younger sib, and she decides to stick around, I wouldn't be surprised if you are also willing to do that to your own kid 🙄😒

And to answer your question, if you would ever do that to my kid.... you'd be lucky to even leave the house unharmed. Coz I will surely punch you in the face and kick your legs to make sure you won't be able to do that to anyone else.

You're acting so high and mighty just because you got interrupted from being intimate with my daughter and didn't think twice if a kid gets hurt.... you'd be banned from ever entering the house.
@alyssalovesgod Pfft, I definitely think that he should first learn how to be humble before wanting to slide his way through his girlfriend's legs.

Still can't fathom why he has to carry his own chair by saying he is nice that's why he plays with the kid and still says that the parents like him and wishes they are not mad.

So even after bumping into their 6yo, you are still after the idea that you are still welcome and that you can play hankypanky with the daughter
@jared1991 The fuck is wrong with you? He's 6 you jackass. Yes you have fucked up here, not JUST with the girlfriends parents but probably with your girlfriend. I'd be dumping the ass of anyone that was rude to any 6 year old cause they are too dumb to lock the door, let alone someone that did that to my sibling.
@jared1991 You are the asshole in this scenario. First of all, if you wanted to be intimate with your girlfriend, why didn't you lock the door? And when "J" came in, you didn't have to get upset; just tell him that you would play games with him after you and your girlfriend were done. You could have told him, "Yeah, just let me and your sister finish talking" or something, and you could have used this as a teaching moment to teach him to knock; if I were your girlfriend, I would break up with you. The kid just wanted to play video games with you; you didn't have to be an asshole.
@jared1991 Sorry, but if you were my bf and you thought that was ok to do, to my little brother, because it killed the mood when in fact he is a kid being a kid, idk it would rub me the wrong way. It is him home too, and while I get that he barged in, you are the adult here. This tells me alot about you and it’s not something I would like in a partner.
@jared1991 This is pretty inexcusable. You got physically aggressive with a young child because you were horny for his sister. If I were the sister, you'd be gone permanently.

There's never an excuse to get violent with a child. Never.
@jared1991 You should feel guilty. You should interrogate yourself as to why you think getting physically aggressive with a 6 year old is an appropriate response to you not getting off. Your want of sex or sexual activities in no way gives you license to act like this. You intentionally lashed out at a child because you didn't get your way. If this were my home, you'd never be allowed back. If I were the girlfriend, this would be a relationship killer.

It would make me wonder how else you'll respond to not getting your way and whether you would escalate in violence.
@jared1991 I’m going to be honest with you, if you did that to my little girl… I’d be asking her to go play in her room by herself for a bit. Depending on how the conversation went… you very well may have fallen down a flight of stairs.