How to Support a Highly Sensitive child?


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1. Allow them some "alone" time​

The most important thing for a parent with a very sensitive child is to understand them and accept them as they are. A HSC needs their own space and time to recharge themselves. This can be as important as breathing.

2. Show some Empathy​

A common question many parents ask is: how to help a very sensitive child? All you need is to understand and be sympathetic to them. It is important to understand that having HSC at home might mean more stares, more emotional flare ups, more pain, and more emotionally intense experiences. It is normal for the parents of such a child to feel upset from time to time and lose their patience but you need to work on acceptance.

3. Approval​

Never apologize to people for the child’s emotions and sensitivity. They are born with it and every time they apologize to people for being how they are, they may feel that their emotions, sympathy, sensitivity, or the way they behave is somehow wrong. This can lower his self-esteem.

4. Gradually help them face their fears​

Help them do things that they are afraid of or dread in a slow and gradual manner. This may help them overcome certain aversions. However, this should be done at a gradual pace and not in a hurry.For example, a child may refrain from wearing a cardigan because she feels itchy in it. You might ask her to wear it for a short time to get used to it and then praise her. If the sensation begins to go away, it may be worth keeping up. Children may find it helpful to face some aversive stimuli when it’s not harmful to their well-being, but this should not be framed or used as a punishment.

5. Keeping a Pet​

HSC love animals, so use their preference and make the house better by having a pet for them. Having a pet at home will calm them down, and they will also have a companion to play with. You may want to watch out for allergies but beyond that, a pet is a great idea.

6. Do not use common methods of discipline for HSC​

Using common serious methods of punishment such as yelling, and others will only make matters worse for a highly sensitive child. They can respond to this by screaming, crying, and throwing angry tantrums. Therefore, disciplining highly sensitive children should be done differently. You should talk to them and emphasize aspects like consequences and well-being, helping them better understand themselves.

7. Talk to your child when upset​

When you see your child crying, ask them why. Talk to them when they are upset and validate their feelings even when you feel that the reason was minor. Engaging in dialogue and respecting the child’s feelings is especially important with a HSC.

8. Help them stand against the bullies​

Highly sensitive children might cry or be different from their peers, so they have a higher risk of being bullied by other children at school. In such a situation, first of all, teach your child not to be afraid. If such a situation arises, tell them that they should put a brave face in front of the bullies and tell the teacher about it. As a parent, you should also go and talk to the teacher and the school authorities.

9. Do not try to change them​

Highly sensitive children cannot help that they feel the way they do. They are born this way. Thus, a parent should accept this and not try to change it. Attempting to change this sensitivity would only prove detrimental to the child’s overall development.

10. Accept your HSC and appreciate them​

A very sensitive child is endowed with many good qualities that you can b e proud of. You will realize that they are more caring, kind, and sympathetic to people and animals than many children their age. They are very sociable and can read a person well. They are usually very creative and may become great writers / storytellers, actors and artists. Therefore, accept them and appreciate them for the person they are. the whole article====>
@saspian I needed to hear this today. We had a meltdown about going to kindergarten Sunday school this morning. I told him “I won’t force you to go but we can see how you feel when you get there and we can decide then.”

He was still upset about the possibility of going until we got there. His father was already there so he ran up to him and said “daddy, is it okay if I stay with mommy instead of going to Sunday school?” His dad said, “no it’s time to go to Sunday school” and my son said, “okay!” and walked right down the hall into his class and started playing.

It kind of made me feel like a huge sucker. Why was he completely fine with his dad telling him to go to Sunday school? I know if I had said the same thing he would have cried. How do I support a sensitive child without hindering him like I feel I am doing? What did I do wrong?