How to reintroduce baby carrier to 2 y/o?

@spingle I know all kids are different, but when my son was around that age, he did good about getting in it and staying in it when we were traveling even though we didn't use it much at other times. I think with things being different & crowded it made him feel secure so he didn't mind.

Plus side to using it in the airport - they didn't make me take him out of it going through security! Not sure of the fact that I had TSA pre-check made any difference or not, but they had me walk right through the scanners with him attached & it was a lifesaver for freeing up the hands for putting bags on / off the belt, and not needing to worry about him running off or anything!
@spingle Just try it at home before you leave. I recently carried my fresh 6 year old on a trip and she hadn’t been carried for like 2 years.
@spingle Backpack/back carry option would work possibly for that age, but I found that my daughter wanted to explore too much to be content to be strapped in. We do typically bring a stroller but she generally prefers to walk so then the stroller is used to haul all the other stuff, including her carseat. I am thinking of getting a tushbaby in combo with her little backpack with a leash attached. That penguin backpack was our saving grace last trip. She was even excited to pack her own toys in it and would make sure I was holding the leash part at all times. We were waiting at the terminal and the leash was just too short for me to sit and her reach the window so I let it drop since no one was around. As soon as she noticed, she picked it up, walked back to me, and said "no mommy, you hold". It was adorable!
@spingle My now 2yo was not put in a carrier after the newborn stage other than some quick ups testing out carriers at 9mo. I got a new toddler-size carrier (for my giant 1yo) and was telling my 2yo about it, and she ASKED to try it out. She’s been carried a few times since then in the new carrier and loves it. A few times around the house for 5-10 min each, a couple times at church for longer periods, and now she loves it and has no problem being tossed up for a ride on anyone’s back.

I have a LennyLamb Wrap-Tai Toddler Size and we love it!
@spingle I recently put the 2.5 year old I nanny in an ergo carrier on my back for a hike. I’ve never worn them before (started nannying when they were already 18 months old and very independent). I just wanted to try it bc I realized they were still under the 35 pound weight limit lol. The kid LOVED it and thought it was the funnest thing ever and now asks for the carrier all the time lol. I would try it out in a low pressure setting (ie on a walk or something) and hype it up “you’re going to go in the special carrier!!” etc. and see how they do. I imagine most kids really like it. If she doesn’t, maybe try wearing her for small amounts of time with a reward at the end? Like if she sits in it for 5 minutes she gets a sticker, then 10 minutes, etc. building your way up to longer time periods.
@spingle I still wear my 5yo (granted she's just reached 14kg) but it's 100% easier with her on my back. She ended up on my front at a concert in the summer, but she was tired and wanted cuddles, so I made it work.