How to prevent red rash at waistline overnight?


New member
My 4 month old has been in cloth pretty much since we got home from the hospital and it's generally been going great. Usually we wake him up for one feed in the middle of the night, and at that time we change his diaper. Last night for various reasons we decided not to wake him up, and to let him just wake us up when he was hungry. He ended up sleeping for 9.5 hours., which was great, but when he woke up he had an ugly red rash at his waistline and around his leg from the wet diaper. We use a workhorse fitted with a hemp doubler and a fleece liner, which protects his bottom, but I'm not sure how to protect that area when he starts sleeping through the night. Any ideas? Thanks!
@p4m3l4 I think it looks possibly like chafing from a diaper that’s too tight and not quite in the underwear line.
I don’t use stay dry liners with my kid as they have the opposite affect on her. I use aquaphor as a barrier cream (the thicker clear stuff), use flats or a fitted, make sure it’s in the underwear line and then I use a well lanoed wool cover. Either a pull on cover under jammies or wool pants as the bottoms.

She would get chafing and angry red parts that would last for days if I put a pul cover over her overnight.
@p4m3l4 I'm the throes of a similar issue with my 3 month old miraculously sleeping 9 hours. She developed a horrible rash where the nappy sits on her thigh. Moving the fleece liner to cover this made a huge difference (she's in flats and wool). I've come to the conclusion that I need to cut bigger bits of fleece that totally protect her from the nappy sitting directly on her skin.
@p4m3l4 Our nighttime setup is similar to yours, hemp booster plus microfleece liner; but for the nappy itself we use bamboo shaped nappies (specifically, these ones) with a PUL wrap on top of it all. Baby can stay in these for up to twelve hours (usually more like 9-10) and we've had no rashes or leaks with them. Maybe try bamboo instead of cotton? Very absorbent but perhaps a bit softer on the skin.
@p4m3l4 I’m wondering if this is because of the workhorse. It seems like the fleece liner protected the area it covered, but I’m imagining if the wraparound portion of the workhorse was soaked for an extended period of time, could it have caused this? I’m new to cloth diapering though so this is just a guess.
@ams59 Correct, although I'm not sure a different type of diaper would have made much difference, they would all have a part going around his waist.
@godsgirlsara If you trust your wash routine, I'd try Desitin out for at a week to see how it plays out. It's relatively cheap and the allergy risk is very low.

Something we're currently discovering is our hard water may be leading to the rashes we're curing with Desitin. We'll be adding Borax to our routine - I'll try to let you know how that goes.

Best of luck!
@godsgirlsara Zinc won't damage the diapers, though it will stain. Petroleum is Desitin may coat synthetic fibers (microfleece liners, microfiber, polyester) and cause repelling over time.

You could use it with a cotton workhorse. We use fitteds overnight, my solution is add absorbency (a prefold) to keep them dryer, and I use disposable stay-dry liners overnight. They are larger than microfleece liners so they cover more area. For a barrier, I use MotherLove diaper balm and slather that on the waist area.
@godsgirlsara Damaging to cloth diapers? If such a thing happens, I'm not aware - please excuse my ignorance here. If it helps, we've been diapering for 3 months, using Desitin daily, and I don't see any damage to the diapers. Doctor didn't see concern with it either.

Additional info below:

Cloth diaper use count is at 450+.

We have 2 sets of cloth diapers (1) AlvaBaby and (2) LilHelper.

Our wash cycle is 1 Cold Wash, 1 Regular wash, per set.

We have a wash cycle every 2-3 days.
@p4m3l4 Our 3 month old sleeps 12hrs/night
We use pockets so there's a wicking layer between her and the inserts, I would recommend adding a fleece liner.

Also we use a zinc cream on her every night and put on most of the diaper area, right up to where the diaper stops on her tummy and she's usually good, maybe a little red if she poops some time in the night.
@p4m3l4 To be fair I have limited experience with anything that is not pockets, but that stay dry liner that covers the entire thing is probably what I like most about them.

Even though most kids really don't seem to mind a wet diaper or clothes I wouldn't want all that wet fabric on me all the time.
@p4m3l4 Have you checked for detergent build up? Wetness alone usually wouldn’t cause a rash straight away (though it could). I would rule out other issues with your diapers either not getting fully clean or not getting detergent fully rinsed out before assuming it’s wetness sensitivity. Workhorses are tricky to get fully rinsed out due to their thickness.