How to prep for c-section ? Nervous!


New member
I’m starting to think about prepping for my c section (both baby boys are breech) in 6 weeks! I’m so nervous at as FTM. What should I buy for postpartum and recovery? No I dea where to start. I did just order some high waisted panties (although no idea what size I should have got)! Any experiences, tips, etc appreciated! Thank you!!
@julianchu I used depends and stuck maternity pad over the part that sat on my incision. Those were really the only things the hospital didn’t give me I needed. Best advice I have is walk around as much as possible once you can. It was the thing that helped my recovery the most.
@julianchu They are great! Just made 6 months and we started solids last week. It goes by so fast even though it feels like it doesn’t in the first few weeks. They truly are a joy! Congratulations!!
@mattbraunlin Second walking around as soon and as much as possible. I just wore the hospital undies they gave me and put the pads in those… they were huge and didn’t bug my incision at all. I wore my husbands sweatpants home (and for weeks after) so there was no rubbing on the incision.

During c section, you will most likely have the shakes. Your arms and hands will shake uncontrollably and you will be cold. Be prepared for that. Also be prepared for gas (air) stuck in your body afterwards…you get a sharp pain in your collarbone area, let your nurse know and they’ll give you meds for it. (Your first fart will feel amazing lol)
@mattbraunlin Second this. I found the high waisted undies I bought were too tight and uncomfortable on my belly as I was still very big. I wore my normal undies but put a cold pad over the incision (sticky side to undies) for a week or so until it felt less tender.
@johnny_mk1 I'm already looking forward to this as well. Mine aren't due until Jan, and I'm already so over this pregnancy. The first time with my singleton was a piece of cake! This time...nope. I can't wait to actually sleep better! Even if it's broken up, it'll be much better sleep 🙌
@julianchu High waisted pants to wear home (something that won't irritate your incision). Someone also recommended a comfy maxi dress instead of pants, so I'm packing both. Slip on shoes because your feet will probably swell quite a bit after surgery.
@newchristianlady OH MY GOD YES. I had an unplanned c-section (technically, I had one planned but it happened 3 weeks early due to growth issues), so I never went into labor, but I feel like I got that experience through the first post-partum poop 😂😭. It took the whole 5 days I was in the hospital and was truly awful (nurses and staff coming in the room and interrupting me constantly didn't help).

But yes, other than that, it wasn't bad at all! I felt so much better just having them out, as I had been miserable the last couple months. I was able to walk to the NICU the next morning on my own, and I think the frequent walks over there helped. I wore the big underwear they give you but never used belly bands or anything, and still had a smooth recovery. I have di/di boys as well, they're almost 5 and so much fun!