How to make progress on fitness when constantly getting sick?


New member
Hi y’all! My baby is 11 months. Just this year, we’ve had 4-5 colds and a stomach bug. Previously I got sick perhaps once or twice an entire year. I expect the sicknesses will only get worse as she just started daycare. I find that I’ll get into a great groove with fitness (doing 5-6 strength and spinning classes a week on my peloton app), feel like I’m making progress, and then get sick and take 1-2 weeks off and start from the beginning with my fitness again.

Does anyone have experience like this? Is this just how it is and I have to accept it? Not sure if I should try to do some low-key exercising while sick (such as yoga or matte barre classes) to try to keep at least some momentum.

Grateful for any advice!!
@chidi_jp You might be surprised. Sometimes after exposures in schools or daycares, immune systems get stronger and there’s less sickness. That’s what happened to me working in schools!
@chidi_jp We had a stomach bug recently too. Complelty threw me off with working out. My abs were sore from that :( also, can’t gain weight if all you eat is jello and throw up 😭😭😭
@chidi_jp It was but basically my life is similar to yours and I had to learn to be gentle and gracious to myself. I also would advise against working out when sick. That can lead to more problems down the road. On days I am not feeling 100 but also am not dying I walk. Like 1 h or more and you do burn quite a lot of calories there.
@chidi_jp Yes, we’ve been experiencing this for the past 4.5 months that kiddo has been in daycare (was with nanny before). I am literally just loading up my healthy weeks with exercise and only walking / spinning on sick weeks.

I’ve felt the illnesses’ effects on my lungs though. My running pace has slowed by a minute since she started daycare 😭
@chidi_jp One of the daycare teachers told us to take Ester-C to build up our immune systems. It seems to be helping but honestly not sure if it’s just a natural break in the illness schedule. Good luck!