How to deal with a teen who’s smoking weed

@randomvim It’s basically compounds in Hemp combined in such a way it mimicks a weak high from cannabis THC. I’m PRO cannabis but the studies have been absolutely clear about cannabis being harmful for developing brains - from the womb to age 25. It’s playing Russian roulette with his brain and at 13 he’s too young to make that choice. You need to be the parent here and cut off his access to money and other privileges until he decides that the only way to get what he wants, is to follow his parents’ and society’s rules. This isn’t an 18 year old, he is a child.
@bogdan Totally agree with you! I’m not anti either but he’s just far too young. I’ve been clear with him about that already, but he seems to think he’s an adult!!
@randomvim So he has money to buy weed but he’s paying for his own phone, internet, and munchies? I would hope you’re not monetarily supporting his habit. I would put him in counseling and take privileges away until he straightens up. 13 is too young.
@krys89 Also what counselling would you suggest? As my experience is that teens in particular don’t use therapy well if forced to go. He has been offered this before and declined it.
@randomvim You asked for ideas and I gave you what I would do if it were my son. There’s a reason he wants to smoke weed and maybe counseling would help identify it. I’m not an anti person but I do think he’s far too young to accept this as an ok habit. It’s harmful to kids mentally and physically.
@krys89 Yes I totally agree with you. I think he’s too young as well, but equally I’m not sure taking a really hard line approach and coercing him into counselling will only breed (more!) resentment which I think will be counter productive. I don’t think he’d use the counselling well if forced to go, but I will remind him it’s definitely an option as I would love for him to go.
@randomvim I let my 16 year old smoke a little green but my 14 year old smoked and then took pills and threw up at school and we had to go to drug classes and she almost got kicked off the cheer team. Then high school she keeps getting in trouble for taking too long on hall passes because she’s vaping in the bath room. A friends mom she stayed with called and said they were all tripping on acid. We are going to counseling. She’s going way to hard too fast. I know teens experiment with drugs and it’s normal but not everything at once. That is dangerous and I feel like she’s numbing some pain. So we are working it out in therapy but unless your kid is going crazy like mine I wouldn’t worry.
@whiteknightnews I’m so sorry you’re struggling so much with your 14 year old. I really hope they’re open to counselling and uncovering what’s going on. Such a confusing time to be a teenager with such easy access to everything!
@randomvim I know, I feel like being a popular cheerleader hasn’t helped her as far as peer pressure goes. I pulled her from the team because of friends and grades but I want her to get into some Extra curricular activity. Maybe student government? I wish she’d be a drama nerd like I was…. Well I smoked and drank but the other stuff I didn’t touch until I was in college. God, you never think when you’re a teenager and hit a joint “how will I feel when my teenage daughter is doing this”.
@randomvim Maybe you let him have his weed like the other commenter said and strongly encourage counseling in return? It might be worth getting an expert opinion on how to handle this, maybe even his pediatrician?
@krys89 He doesn’t have a paediatrician as we’re in the U.K. so the health system works very differently here. I will look into counselling further and perhaps suggest he meet a few people to see how he gets on.

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