How much are y'all paying for babysitters/daycare per week ?


New member
I want to start going out regularly but how do u guys budget or set aside money ? Once u guys are out do u call often or tell them don't call. Particularly how much do u pay for a babysitter for one child at NIGHT . Like from 9-4. Do you have like a camera for them ?
@987abc I live in a LCOL city and pay 1280/month for full time M-F. If we get a sitter we’d be shelling out 20-25/hr but it’s very rare because we usually just take sick days from work and have a date day while our son is in daycare now
@alb1erto1 We live in a HCOL city and pay $2200 monthly for M-F daycare. We’ve had a babysitter exactly one time and paid $40/hr. No date nights for us either, only day dates when the child is at school 🤪
@dado1964 I’ll be honest, I’m totally cool with the day dates, because kiddo is in bed by 7 and me and hubs are dragging ass by 8 😂 Much easier to enjoy each other’s company during the day!
@987abc I live in Japan. Daycare is about $150 per month. Babysitters aren't really a thing here so we ask the grandparents to watch our daughter if we go somewhere we can't take her, like to the movies. We rarely go out though, and if it's just dinner and a few drinks it's easy enough to take our daughter with us. It's totally socially acceptable to bring children to places that serve alcohol here. She's 5 now but has been going to restaurants and izakaya with us since she was a baby, so her manners are excellent.
@987abc In a VHCOL area. My daughter, 11 months, goes to an in-home daycare for $500 per week. That's for 5 days and they are open 7-5.

We haven't hired a baby sitter yet but would expect to pay $20/hr.

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