How I got my 3 y/o to do what I want her to

@dgw1982 Post bathtime update: the toddler loved it! We turned the lights out, turned the disco light in and ate ice cream in the bath while making up songs. Can’t really beat it!
@dgw1982 Adding to the list: there’s a Blippy where he plays “sink or float.” That’s a big hit around here - we throw all kinds of stuff in the tub lol.
@simplelady Oh God yeah I can’t believe I misspelled that, but fwiw I’ve had the “I’m an Excavator” song stuck in my head for literally 5 days now and that’s been it’s own special kind of Hell.
@17cleo Can I just say that every time I’ve figured out a trick like this, things change like within the next two weeks? It’s like as soon as I figure out a phase, she moves on without me and I’m a detective again. But damn those tricks feel good when they’re working.
Put it in her baby book!
@tetabecky This particular one and the race one is different I think since I've read about them in books as well and for us it's been working for a long time.

Essentially the idea is to turn it into a game not a chore but I realize the tone of how I say it is also important. My SO does a much better job in that.
@picklimo Can totally relate. I joke all the time that my husband is the fun one whose good at games and making everyone laugh, I'm the boring one whose good when you need to talk or cry lol