How I got my 3 y/o to do what I want her to

@17cleo That’s awesome! I just did the exact same thing with my three year old yesterday and thought the same thing. Like damn, I birthed you and love, feed, clothe, and shelter you but sure, comply with a fictional character no problem lol. He is seriously the sweetest of all 3 of my kids but my goodness can he be stubborn. He’s not necessarily defiant but he is way too good at acting like he doesn’t hear me. His recent obsession is Paw Patrol, and why not? Those guys are so cute and heroic. Anyways, I picked up his Chase action figure and said “Hey Sawyer, do you want to be a paw patroller? Well, a good pup always follows directions and is a good helper! Can we go put your socks and shoes on?” Instant compliance. The other technique I use was blended in too. Kids that age LOVE to show off their autonomy. Asking them to do an easy task helps them build confidence and feel independent. My kid loves to be told “wow, you’re such a great helper!” So I try to incorporate that into things that normally he wouldn’t want to do when asked. And of course it goes miles when you recognize the good things they do without being asked. Like “thank you so much for throwing your trash away without being asked! You were such a great helper for doing that, you should feel really proud!” Every time he kinda giggles and nods with a big smile on his face.
@samanthagamgee Yess I do this all the time. The other day she put all her toys away without me asking and I said "wow you put all those away for mommy? Great job!! What a great helper you are!!" in my over the top kid voice and she was so happy she gave me a huge hug. Lol kids are so funny. She def loves to help with literally everything.
@17cleo Exactly! It’s all a game. My 3yo won’t calm down and go to sleep, but if I talk to her stuffie toys in her bed and tell them to stop jumping around she falls asleep in minutes. Felt like a genius the first day I tried that.
@17cleo How to talk so Little Kids Listen mentions this technique actually and has lots of other great advice. Really recommend.

The whole collection of How to talk/listen books is great.
@17cleo Yeah I'm not trying to steal your thunder just trying to get you to temper your expectations. Often times my son starts to do something, like tell us when he needs to get changed, and then he will stop doing it in a few days.
@mrmuzz Yeah my 3 y/o is currently deciding she only wants pasta or nuggets for dinner (coming from a child who ate literally ANYTHING since she was born) and no amount of figure speak will work when it comes to that. So I get it. Kids are definitely ridiculous and keep us on our toes

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