How do y’all do it??

@stephenk Caffeine. I ration it during pregnancy but better believe I take 50-70 mg before hitting the gym. I never want to go but I always feel so much better after I do and it helps that I can see the gym from my front door! But try and go easy on yourself and let expectations/experiences prior to pregnancy go. You aren’t that person anymore and your body is literally building a human!
@stephenk I feel you! Before this pregnancy, I was a 5am workout person. That came to a halt in first trimester as I was so sick but even now at 19 weeks where I feel better I am recognizing I need more rest than usual and forcing myself to workout before work absolutely wipes me for the entire day. I squeeze it in on my lunch. It’s not ideal, but I take 30 mins for a quick run, power walk or if I’m working from home that day a HIIT or strength training workout. It isn’t the usual 45-60 mins I do, but it’s better than nothing.
@stephenk Give yourself a few weeks! For me the energy ramped up again around like 18-19w. And also, just doing something is better than nothing! Don’t feel guilty if all you can muster is a short walk or some yoga in your house. I think the goal is just to stay moving however you can!
@stephenk I just do a lot less. I do 20-25 min full body weight circuits 3 times a week with reduced weight, walk the dogs twice a day and some indoor cycling twice a week.

I got some equipment to use at home so I can literally do something in my pyjamas if I get an energy boost.

I had to stop running because the need to pee just made it miserable!
@stephenk It might not be the healthiest way to do it, but I don't let myself wash my hair unless I work out. 😂 I also work with elementary-age kids and understand your schedule. There is no way I could work out in the morning, so I have to do it from 4-6pm. It also helps I have a Peloton bike & guide, so I work out from home.
@dre360 I do the hair thing too. I also do the old "you can walk as much as you want but you have to cover the distance/get out there" trick I've played on myself as long as I've run. Once I'm out there I don't actually end up walking much but it gets me out the door.
@stephenk I didn’t start to feel better or normal until week 18ish FYI. I now am back to working out but dealing with sciatica now 😭 The struggle is real but I did wake up one day and finally get that second trimester energy that everyone talks about
But let me preface that my workouts are no where near what they were before being pregnant and it’s definitely a struggle. I’m trying to give myself grace and just do what I can now but looking forward to when the baby is here and getting back after it!
@stephenk Don't throw out all your workout clothes!!! It won't be like this forever!! I have a 2 and 4 yo and am pregnant at 26 weeks, before getting pregnant this time I was back to exercising regularly, children sleeping through most nights, noone needed to be breastfed so mum and dad can do child duties as needed. Returns to normal surprisingly quickly in retrospect (seems so long while going through it)
@stephenk I learned to slow down a lot in first trimester and I felt the same as you I thought I’d never get back! The recovery time after every workout just didn’t feel worth it but honestly I got more energy in the second trimester and I was able to workout consistently again. I stopped cycling and pole fitness unfortunately but I’ve stuck to yoga and body pump with reduced weights which makes me feel good to keep my body moving. I know that I’ll get back to it all again eventually but for now my focus is just to keep moving. Hopefully won’t be long and you will get some energy back :)
@stephenk every person is different and so are their hormones. you never know how you‘re going to react to pregnancy but 16 weeks isn‘t that deep into the 2nd trimester so give it time.. you‘ll feel better🫶🏼 and if your body is telling you to slow down I highly suggest you do so and pick up when you feel more energized. also get your iron levels checked.
@stephenk I had the privilege of being able to quit my job at 20 weeks, so even if I had no energy I’d still go then just nap afterwards. I tell you this to say, there are some people that are incredibly dedicated, but certain circumstances will make it way easier for some so it’s not worth comparing yourself. I also had a trainer that I liked as a human and didn’t want to let down, so would always show up for them.

You’ll be surprised at how quickly you can pick up the same weights/run as fast PP. This all seems like a huge setback but in the long run truly feels like a blip. Whatever you decide to do now, you’ll be back training in no time
@stephenk You need to lower your expectations. When you get to the end, doing 5-10 mins on the elliptical at the slowest speed of your life is going to feel like a marathon. Any movement, even stretching on the floor, you should be proud of!
@stephenk I think I'm going to try early am. My only issue is I room share with my little one, how do I set an alarm that will wake me up but not him???
@stephenk I’m 25+4 today. It did get MUCH better for me around 15 weeks and I was back in the gym 3-4x a week plus daily walks. I’m slowly starting to be a bit more fatigued as an approach the third trimester so I’m just trying to get a short lift in and at LEAST one 30 minute walk.
I’m tired and it sucks but it’s for the best!
@stephenk I did not feel better until about week 18, with my energy mostly back around week 20. First trimester I could barely walk around, and to give you an idea I used to work out aerial arts or paddling 5 times a week. I'm currently week 25 and feeling tons better. Just really listen to your body, and rest when it needs it because pregnancy puts you at max physical capacity (there's studies on this). Do what you can -- go for a walk or speed walk instead. Don't force too much, try to remember that all of this is temporary and even doing a little movement here and there is better than nothing. Have a friend, your partner, or dogs if you have them to help motivate you on walks. You're doing great -- don't let this get you down. Pregnancy is way more intensive than we assume it is.