How do I build a Faraday cage around the bathroom?


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The adult human male in my house that I claim my taxes with stated that he was going to bed early so he could get up early. I woke him up at 7:30, none too gently, to make sure he was awake. It’s been a year of this shit, where he gets “time blind because of his ADHD” and stays up until 3am.

Between 6:45 when my 3yo woke up and 8:40, I’ve fed the cat, fed the dog, walked the dog, fed the toddler, dressed the toddler, made coffee, checked on the bunny we found, replaced his towel and water, hunted around the yard looking for said bunny’s nest, communicated with the wildlife rehabbers for updates and further instructions, packed the toddler’s lunch, packed his nap stuff & all his school stuff, checked on my work schedule for the day, and went back to check on the resident adult human male.

He was in the bathroom.

For an hour.

Wanna know what I haven’t done? Brushed my teeth. Eaten. Actually drink my coffee. Poop. Shower? Will that even happen today? Time will tell. Probably not. That OTC prescription strength deodorant is doing a lot of heavy lifting.

He’s been to a GI doctor and I’m going to make him go again. I convinced him to start therapy bc I was pretty sure that he’s depressed. He’s now on meds, begrudgingly, which I find annoying because I’m bipolar AND have ADHD and have been properly medicated for both for 10+ years and it hasn’t “changed who I am,” except to make me more myself and not a ball of sadness or crazy.

I also have a chronic health issue that we haven’t fully figured out. Current theory is long covid/POTS exacerbated by surprise celiac. I’m on a “gluten challenge” right now which consists of me eating gluten and making myself sick for 6-8 weeks to ensure the test is accurate. It would be great if I had some help while I muscle through the symptoms of dizziness, fatigue, near fainting, and feeling like my insides are becoming my outsides whenever I eat bread.

Perhaps he’s so exhausted still because I was “gone” a lot recently due to work? I got a promotion—yay—but that came with some obligations to be in-office to run some team day things for the three teams that I’m on. I was out the door at 6:45 and got home around 8 on those days. One of those days I was home at 6. I was “away” for 4 days total. I’ve had a bunch of work to finish at night, and have been so tired and stuck on my computer that I haven’t contributed much to chores. So the house is a mess, true, but I kinda thought a few days of not helping with stuff wasn’t a huge deal. And I’m not talking deep cleaning—I mean stacking & unstacking the dishwasher, zapping dinner, and making the child’s breakfast. I still did some dishes and made a few lunches. The intense work stuff was temporary and is over now. Seriously, 4 days over 3 weeks. And yes we’re hiring backfill so I’m only on one team—my promotion was timed so I’ll hire and manage them.

He has the decency to feel guilty but not the capacity to like…change. He did go to bed early but it’s been a YEAR and his first time was last night. I don’t care. Just get up and sit with the child he contributed his DNA to. Sleep on the couch with him while he watches and joins the cult of Daniel Tiger. At least I won’t be doing laps to answer questions and keep the kid distracted, for as we know, being out of eyesight from mom violates the Geneva convention.

I’ve decided that I’m going to build some kind of shielding so that neither the wifi nor cell service works in the bathroom. Looking for engineering tips because the alternative is homicide. Ideally by making him shit himself to death. Seems cheaper than divorce, and also I really like his mom and my in-laws in general.

And yes his mom has chastised him for this as well, and apologized to me for not training him better 😅 he’s a grown ass adult but I appreciate the thoughtfulness on her part.

Important Update
The bunny is definitely feelin good so he’s going home tomorrow! 🎉🎉🎉
@christianbikerg My husband sleeps like the dead and waking him is a nightmare no matter when he goes to bed. I've tried multiple times to get my toddlers (almost 2 and just turned 3) to wake him up by climbing on him, and they simply will not cooperate.

But when I'm sleeping? When it's mom in bed finally getting some rest? Can't keep them off of me.
@criley Hey, unmedicated time-blind ADHD mom here, chiming in as I always do to say these men are full of shit.

Is he actually diagnosed? If not, his ass needs to go to a diagnostician. Is he medicated? Either he needs to be or they’re not working. OR he needs to admit this is actually a personal thing he’s fobbing off on his ADHD because it’s easier than being a responsible partner.

Look, it’s hard. Sometimes I’ve disappeared for longer than I meant to. Sometimes I stay up a little later than I should. But A. Not until 3am, B. That’s my problem if I’m tired, I don’t get to opt out of parenthood.

I’m all for partners being understanding and aware of their partner’s neurodiversity. But you cannot inflict your neurodiversity on those around you. It’s your responsibility, especially once you have a damn kid.
@guidemelord He is diagnosed. I say he’s not changing but truth is he is changing, just extremely slowly. He’s on Vyvanse and an antidepressant and goes to weekly therapy.
I just don’t know how fast he should be moving with the changes cuz he is technically trying but I’m looooosing it
@criley Honestly, it’s ok for it not to be enough! If he’s still consistently acting like this, let me be honest: he’s not trying. Time blindness can mess with me a bit but my errors aren’t a matter of hours! That’s insane. And my ADHD is fully unmedicated, Vyvanse should 100% help.

I’m not saying he can’t have something else wrong, but I am saying it sure seems convenient that whatever his issue is, it allows him to do whatever he wants with the one person he believes won’t fire or leave him. If it were an uncontrollable issue, wouldn’t it be equally effecting all areas of his life?