Hopefully some inspiration (TW: results not typical)


New member
Hi all! I’m now 4 weeks postpartum and wanted to share something I could’ve used when I was pregnant. That said, this post will not be everyone’s cup of tea, so skip the pics if you think happy results photos will make you feel bad—that is NOT the intention.

Like many of you, while I cared about a healthy baby most, I was a little stressed out over what my body would look like after pregnancy. I knew most likely I would have stretch marks and it would take me a long time to lose the pregnancy weight...and then that didn’t happen. Here are pics at 39 weeks and 1 week postpartum:

The internet is full of “snap-back” photos of Instagram models and other celebrities. I’m just a college professor and FTM, and an older one (38) at that. Here is what I did:

1) Gained right in the middle of the recommended weight range. I did this by:

A) Listening to my body and eating when hungry. The only nutrient I tracked was protein, since I’m a vegetarian. I indulged some cravings now and then (yes to ice cream!), but I didn’t keep it at the house. I had to want it bad enough to go get it (avoided asking my overworked husband to go on junk food runs, too).

B) Doing some kind of activity 6-7 days/week. In the early 1st trimester and late 3rd trimester, this just meant walking. In the middle it was often a YouTube video—Pilates, barre, kickboxing, light weights. I like Popsugar Fitness and Fit by Larie.

2) I saw a pelvic floor physical therapist BEFORE birth to strengthen my transverse abdominal muscles. Did those exercises maybe 3 days/week from mid-2nd-tri on.

3) I used almond oil on my midsection twice a day. Stretch marks are largely genetic, and I have some on my hips from teenage weight gain. Assumed I’d get them in pregnancy too, but I didn’t, so I think the oil helped (recommended by my dermatologist).

4) I am exclusively breastfeeding.

By 1 week pp I’d lost about 3/5 of my pregnancy weight and have continued to lose a pound or two each week since. Admittedly I was fit before pregnancy, and I didn’t have very bad pregnancy symptoms (mild nausea in the beginning, minor aches and swelling in the end), but I think the main thing that helped me, other than genetics, is consistency. I didn’t calorie restrict or go to a fancy gym. I just moved every day and ate mostly (though NOT exclusively) nutritious food. If I had known how things would go for me, I would have spent less time worrying and more time enjoying my pregnancy.

Hope this helps someone out there.

ETA: I have been doing pelvic floor work 3 times/week and walking daily since the day after I got home from the hospital. Occasional very mellow baby-wearing workouts or super-low-impact postpartum cardio on bad weather days. Hoping to get cleared to resume regular exercise after postpartum checkup tomorrow, though she may tell me to wait a couple more weeks (I only had one small superficial tear, so OB said I could make my postpartum appointment as early as 4 weeks).
@blessed2berosie Not to be a huge downer, but this ol train didn’t go off the rails until I stopped breastfeeding. Something for folks to be aware of - your caloric needs will change after you wean! I had to wean somewhat suddenly so I think if you BF for a long while, you’ll have some time to adjust as you drop feeds and you may not experience the rapid weight gain I did.
@esmerelda Also not all of the belly is weight. Your uterus and abdominal muscles often take time to go back to normal and many still look pregnant for at least that first month.

As for breastfeeding it just depekds. I couldn't lose ANY weight while breastfeeding. Only started once I stopped.
@esmerelda Opposite happened to me. I gained 30 while pregnant. Lost 23 by ten days PP. then the other 7 after I stopped BF at 3 months. I stopped in a span of 5 days. My appetite immediately reduced. Everyone is different I guess.
@esmerelda I had the same experience with breastfeeding. I lost a lot of weight while I breastfed and I could feel little contractions while I fed as my stomach got smaller. Once I stopped though I gained a few kilos back. I’m back at my prepregnancy weight but my stomach is bigger though.
@blessed2berosie It definitely does. I’d never heard of anyone packing on weight post breastfeeding like I did, but it happened to my neighbor too! Just spreading awareness that you’re not out of the woods until you’re out of the woods haha
@blacksabbath I just saw one- hopefully OP comments the more the better. Mine said belly button to spine- I’ve been doing this pretty often and actually can randomly see my abs again at week 27, and some soreness. I was very loose with my core because I didn’t know how to properly exercise it. Other recommendations were warrior 1, warrior 2, cat cows, and bird dogs. Along with kegals
@aaronq10 Yes! My PT recommended the belly button to spine (he called it pelvic tilt but it’s a much gentler pelvic tilt than I had ever heard of before), kegels, cat cow, and bird dog. Other good things recommended were to strengthen glutes with bridges, 1 legged bridges (once you work up to them), clamshells, and squats.
@aaronq10 Oh yes forgot to mention deadlifts! My PT had me try 1 legged deadlifts, just with 10lbs, and those are HARD at least for me to balance my way back up. Definitely good for core and legs! Squats are starting to feel sort of meh for me at 30w. I'll keep doing them til they're actually uncomfortable though.
@blacksabbath Sure! Lots of them were mentioned here already: belly to spine, clamshells (regular and reverse), bird dog, bridges (regular and single leg), standing lateral and posterior leg lifts, and something I don’t remember the name of where you have your legs in table top and touch your toes to the ground (first one at a time and then alternating mid-air). 20 reps each. She would have me feel the muscles on both sides of my hipbones to make sure I’m engaging the right muscles.
@blacksabbath Not OP, but: Bird Dogs, Planks, Side Planks, Pelvic Tilts (laying down early in pregnancy and against the wall later), Pallof Presses, and Belly Breathing (belly button to spine, I do this on all fours to let my belly hang and draw it up into my back)
@blessed2berosie I’m 36 y/o, FTM, 3.5 weeks postpartum. Very similar course for my pregnancy and about 2/3 of the weight lost by 1 week pp. I wish I had done the pelvic floor PT during pregnancy, but plan to now in the postpartum period. I think eating reasonably well and staying active during pregnancy made all the difference.
@blessed2berosie You look fantastic!! This gives me a lot of hope. I was in incredible shape before my pregnancy, my weight gain is an average weight gain because like you I eat when I’m hungry and keep mind off the food (fruit, veg, whole grain, minimal junk food etc). Similar workout routines too! Thank you for posting this :)
@blessed2berosie I had a very similar experience with my first! I was really surprised how quickly it happened. It did take me closer to a year to get very lean but it was great to feel more normal relatively quickly. Second the PF PT during (and after) pregnancy, hugely helpful! Hoping for a similar experience this time!