@joyathome I thought I'll add my piece since a subject of losing an only child came up... I'm a rare case of "OAD twice".
I had a son a few years ago who was born with severe health condition. He was a very happy child, could walk and eat and play, but he was also a lot of work with medical appointments and lots of health scares. I knew I was OAD because he took 110% of my energy. Then he suddenly passed away in his sleep.... That's when I wished a had another kid to keep me sane.
The day he died, my husband and I both decided we want another baby, NOW. Of course it took a while, but now we have a sweet and healthy 15month old son. Completely different parenting experience! We are sooo happy!
When my firstborn died I told myself I need two babies to never be in this situation again where I'm a childless mother. The loss and emptiness was unspeakable.
That said... I'm back to being OAD. We are so happy that I wouldn't want to push my luck and risk having a special needs child again.
I'm not saying this to scare you into having 2 kids, but to provide a perspective of someone who has lived through The Worst and what the outcome was. My conclusions are:
- having another child would have made the loss more bearable, just by having someone to care for.
-my second son didn't replace my first...but he did reduce the grief A LOT
-even after living through the loss I'm still OAD. Can't live driven by fear, I'd rather focus on the happiness I have.