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Help me Mammas, My little one is now 11 weeks. Full on formula. Her birth weight was 6 pound 3 ounces. And now she is 8 pound 7 ounces, she takes 2 oz in every 2-3 hours.Her weight gain is very slow that's why her ped suggested us to add more formula and oatmeal ( 1 tspn per ounce) in her bottle. And apple juce for constipition.I read that we should not give cereal to baby at least until 4 month. What should i do? Am i alone? Do u have any experience like that? Help me plz
@l_noel Hey my baby had severe reflux which brought on concern with weight. We did oatmeal thickening. You’re not alone, AAP suggests against it under 4 months but recognizes it for reflux + weight issues and says to do it under pediatricians guidance. I now have a 6 month old who is thriving. I can answer ANY questions or worries you have about oatmeal because people can be very biased with it yet have never faced that issue w their babies. We started at 4 weeks!!
@l_noel I mean if it wasn’t for oatmeal my baby wouldn’t have been able to keep her food down. She’s been consistently 40 percentile ever since and stopped projectile vomiting her food. Stopped my babies torture
@paterfamilia Same here. Our son has reflux and we add oatmeal cereal to his bottles. Luckily, he only needs a little bit and he’s not a vomiter. I know it’s controversial but we follow our pediatrician’s guidance and haven’t had any issues.
@cbaker000 In the beginning I was definitely nervous but once I mixd it and saw how runny it is, just thicker but not chunky that alone is so reassuring. Also being in complete control of it too.. Like you said, we followed our pediatrician & she wouldn’t be our pediatrician if we didn’t trust her. In the end in helped so much and never had any issues either.
@paterfamilia I was surprised at how well it mixed in. And we feel the same about our pediatrician- he would be our dr if we didn’t trust him. I’ve also heard people use GelMix to thicken formula but I’m unsure of the ingredients and how thick it actually makes it.
@cbaker000 Right it mixes so well! When we started oatmeal I had no idea gelmix was even a thing honestly. I knew there was AR formula with rice but I preferred oatmeal & being in control lol. No regrets after seeing how much it helped my girl
@l_noel Have you looked into different bottles or nipples? My little one was taking bottles SO slow with the phillips avent, causing her to fall asleep mid bottle and only take small bits of formula at a time.
@l_noel I second getting a second opinion if you’re worried. Or even ask about increasing the calories (22kcal or 24kcal vs the usual 20kcal) to see if that’s an option? We’re on increased calories due to being premature and low birth weight. At 8 weeks our LO eats anywhere from 3-4oz
@l_noel Can you maybe look into a second opinion? I would be cautious of putting oatmeal in bottles because it is a choking hazard. Is there something else that might be happening health-wise that oatmeal won’t really resolve? Are you and your husband smaller and this she’s a bit smaller? I dunno, again I’d maybe ask for a second opinion.
@l_noel My baby was born at 9 pounds but also only took about 2 oz every hour and a half to two hours. I think some babies just eat smaller quantities! Hopefully fortifying the formula helps.

What formula is she on? If she doesn’t need a specialized formula maybe you can try something different to see if that helps?