Help me please, before I lose my ever loving mind. Read full post!

@amayasasaki Going through this right now. Adjust her bedtime to 630 so that she's actually sleeping by 7-730. She will fall asleep faster if she's not overtired.

Also tell her your leaving the room to go do xyz . Example, I'll be right back to check on you, mommy has to go pee. Lay down and close your eyes ill be right back. And keep going back and checking and telling her you're doing things and she will get bored and fall asleep in the meantime. I read this trick on here and it works 50% of the time for us
@amayasasaki No advice just solidarity. My 3.5 year old fell asleep at 9 last night and woke up at 5 am. A whole 8 hours just like a dang adult. Heck I like 9 hours. She doesn’t really nap either. Last one was a week ago. Whyyyy.
@amayasasaki A visual schedule helped my daughter. Folded a piece of card stock in half long ways and cut strips along the top half. On the bottom half I wrote her routine one at a time so for us it was “snack”, “potty”, “bath”, “pajamas”, “brush teeth”, “read stories”, “turn off light”, “kiss goodnight”. On each flap and on the bottom half was Velcro so as she did each thing she would close the flap and the front would say something like “you did it!” “Great job!” Etc .. it helped her a lot to accomplish her routine
@amayasasaki I literally pretend to be asleep next to toddler. He tries physically lifting my eyelids, talking sometimes yelling at me, but eventually just turns over and goes to bed. Also I notice if he doesn't get EVERY LAST BIT OF ENERGY OUT, he has a much harder time falling asleep. I have to actually run my Toddler, haha, no but really, I will make him chase a ball if I have to...
@amayasasaki Ah, it sounds like a classic case of 10 mins of mama/dad and then leave. My son tries everything to stall, but once we are firm that we are done and leaving, he rolls over and goes to sleep.

You can start easy by moving farther and farther from her bed, so you are waiting on the other side of the room to lessen the shock.
@amayasasaki Maybe a glow in the dark night stuffy? Amazon has LED ones that turn off after 15 minutes. That helped my kids. My kids “read” their books and lay down. By the time the 15 minutes passes they are already asleep.
@amayasasaki We had this at about 2.5 years, we had it all so we bought her a cup with a straw of water beside her bed, she still wears pull-ups over night so after one trip to the loo, it was OK, go in the nappy then. We'd have last cuddle and last kiss of the night, saying this is the last cuddle etc. Then don't need to sleep but do need to lay quietly in bed, you can have music on quietly but must be laying quietly. Either me or my husband will stay in the room until she's asleep, if she messes about we leave the room, if she continues the door gets shut. Go back after a minute or so, doesn't take long and she will lay quietly then. If she would speak we would simply say night, night. She's pretty much out of it now, will only play up every few weeks but it's usually because she's knackered.

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