Help me please, before I lose my ever loving mind. Read full post!

@amayasasaki Some kids seem to need less sleep. My son goes to bed at 10 with or without nap at 2 years old. My brothers and I were all the same. The best thing I did was just go with it and involve him in our nighttime wind down and enjoy it as much as we can as family time. Fighting it is so much more stressful, in my opinion . This way he falls asleep when he’s tired without a fuss. On the plus side he is able to hang out with everyone during family events and parties with zero fuss . Travelling is also a lot of fun bc we can have late dinners while he hangs out with us. There are some positives ❤️
@amayasasaki Our 3 y/o goes to sleep around 9pm so it may be a schedule reset would help. She does nap most days so that's different from yours. I agree with what others have said about stalling.

A silent light up busy board solved a ton of this issue. Obviously here we’re still tears but having a mindless fidget toy helped a ton.
@amayasasaki We deal with this with our 2.5 yo. We fought it for MONTHS. Tried moving her bedtime later, all the things. No matter what time we started, we'd do bed time routine and she'd be up needing something, out of her room, scared to be alone for 2 hours before she'd finally fall asleep. Eventually we had to cave and get a lock on the door bc 50 times putting her back in bed EVERY NIGHT was not gonna work for us. With that lock has come conversations about the things she can do in her room by herself if she doesn't want to go to sleep, how to get help from mommy and daddy if she needs it and what to do if she wakes up scared bc she's alone. It has not been without it's challenges and she pushes the boundaries every night but at least we can now leave her to play with her lovies, read books or listen to her Tonies by herself till she's ready for sleep. The boundaries are set and enforceable.

The biggest shift has been our mindset though. We would get SO MAD because it is scary to think you're not giving your kid something they need or that you're failing them and that fear turned into anger/frustration very quickly for us. It ruined night times for everyone. Now, we just accept that she will sleep when she wants to sleep. So long as she is safe in her room, not screaming and not needing us to be with her for the 2-3 hours it takes for her to go to sleep, we are cool with it. We thought it was just a phase or a sleep regression or from taking the Paci away but it's nearly been 9 months and the 2-3 hour timeline to fall asleep has not changed. Gotta love toddlers lol. Good luck!
@amayasasaki Is she getting enough stimulation during the day? Is she maybe missing you/daddy during the day and wants to delay bedtime that way? Maybe try some rough and tumble play before bedtime, lots of cuddling, hugging etc.

Is she just not tired? Maybe delay bedtime further?

Last resort, try co-sleeping. Like lie down with her and pretend you’re falling asleep. Have water on the bedside table and the potty by the bed. If there’s any real biological demands, at least you can quickly get it over with in darkness.
@bluesky123 I've tried co-sleeping, I get mamma'ed to death and if I don't respond, she freaks out.

If you read my post history, you'll see sleep issues we've had with her since she turned 2.
@bluesky123 She is 100% getting enough stimulation. At school and home, as I implemented a "homework" type thing recently.

I can see she's tired before this AKA dark circles etc, but she's dropped her nap and acts like we're putting her on a bed of nails if we try to get her to nap.

Tried all the above, and nothing doing.
@amayasasaki Something that helped me was advice from a friend - book time. I have a small lamp in her room that I can Bluetooth to my phone. It gets turned on and then she gets to pick two books to read by herself before going to sleep. Now it’s something she’ll ask for instead of fighting to go to bed. The first time was rough but now she looks at her books and goes to sleep on her own.
Mine is also 3. They’re determined. I think this gives her a feeling of control and a soft activity. She gets to pick them out; she gets to decide when she’s done.
I’ve daughter her a few times stacking them on the side and going to sleep and then I turn the light off.