Help me guess the babies name! It’s in the Bible


New member
My friend is having a baby boy towards the end of the year. They aren’t telling anyone the name but she’s dropped hints because she low key wants us to figure it out. Please help me figure it out. These are the clues she’s mentioned on accident. She found it reading the Bible and I know she reads the weekly Torah portions.
  1. Starts with N
  2. Names mentioned 2x ? Or about ? Rare
  3. In OT and NT
  4. Doesn’t sound like a Bible name
  5. In the Torah / maybe 2 largest ones
  6. In the gospels
  7. Sounds middle eastern
    9.?? Torah portions??? From the last month or 2 months at most (it’s April 27th)
  8. Definitely not Noah (she confirmed)
Update: she said our friend knows someone named this. Which means if we can find the name we’ll be able to figure it out
@bfc Just checking: there are lists online of Biblical
names beginning with N. Have you looked through them with the friend to see who they know on the list?