Help me eat lunch!


New member
I’m a SAHM to three boys— a 4.5 yo and twin 1.5 yo’s. I’m basically drowning in chores and tasks all day long and feeding meals to everybody, changing diapers, changing them again, doing baths, etc.

So what I’m wondering is, what do other SAHP’s eat during the day? Lately I’ve been resorting to handfuls of crackers, smoothies or yogurt, or— gasp!— the kids food. (Standing at the stove and taking bites of their Mac n cheese is a fav) Honestly, I think I’d be more alert and a better mom if I ate well during the day but who’s got the time?

When you’re super busy and don’t have a moment all day what do you eat? How do you take care of yourself?
@angel222 I've got an almost-four-year-old and a one year old. We all eat at the same time and the almost four year old and I eat the same thing. I think it is important for them both to learn how to wait and that mealtimes can be important family time. I hope that by showing that I have to stop and eat too they will eventually learn that everyone has needs to meet.
@debbie112 This is what I do too. I have a 3.5 yr old and a nearly 2 yr old. They usually get the same food, though sometimes one get more than the other. And I'll make my food and sit and eat. They are not obligated to eat all of their food but once i sit down to eat, I'm not going to get up until I'm done. We also have a rule that at dinner we sit until everyone is done eating. Again, they don't have to eat anything but mom amd dad aren't going to be bouncing around serving them at that time either. And they cant mess with anyone else or stop them from eating. I ensure that I am getting 3 decent meals a day as are they. If my 3 yr old is acting impatient I remind him that Mama needs to eat. Just like him and his brother. Same with naps/bedtime, Mama needs to rest too. Setting those boundaries seems harsh to the 3 yr old but its necessary for me to function.
@debbie112 I do the same, ever since my daughter was about 11 months. We did baby led weaning, which meant she was basically eating what we ate anyway. I prepare our food, sit her in her high chair while I’m at the table or we have a “picnic” on the floor if that works better that day (and the food isn’t messy). We eat at the same time. If she’s in her high chair she has to wait until I’m done to get out (or, of course, I wait for her if I finish first). Then we wash our hands (and faces, heads, necks, etc lol) and she can go play.
@debbie112 This would be ideal! I’m probably slacking but the two one-year-olds are what’s doing me in right now... when all three boys are eating I already don’t have enough hands to keep massive messes from happening and food into the mouths lol. I already spend so much time just trying to vacuum up the tiny pieces of food from all around the high chairs afterwards... don’t get me started on the slimy bits and four hands and two faces and changing clothes!!! When I try to eat too it just makes it worse! Someday, someday...
@angel222 I couldn't imagine. My younger one is just about to turn one and still doesn't want much to do with any food. He makes such a mess sometimes that I feel like it is not worth it to sit him down. Two would be a nightmare.

What I do doesn't work every single day for every meal. Just try and work toward what you want in the future with little steps. You can do it!
@angel222 My Irish twins have finally graduated to sitting in regular chairs, but I never vacuumed under the high chairs when they were smaller. I just put a blanket under each one. Then when mealtime was over I'd gather the blankets up, walk out the back door and shake all the mess out.

I'll be honest, it totally attracted a few stray dogs and some raccoons, but I still feel like the cleanup time it saved me was worth it. Just throwing it out there in case it might save you some time too. (You could probably shake things into a trash can like a civilized person and avoid the wildlife too.)
@angel222 I hate picking up food from the floor. I thank the gods that I have two dogs that aren’t picky. So the only thing I pick up is stuff that will hurt them. Which, not gonna lie, I totally pick out of her food so I don’t have to pick it up off the floor 🤷🏽‍♀️

Have you tried making little veggie baggies? Like when you’re cutting up food for you LOs cut up a few extra carrots and stick them in baggie in the fridge for later?
@debbie112 Came here to say this. We feed our son the exact same food we eat just cut up differently, or we put the sauce on the side for him because he prefers to dip things.

I’d never eat if I had to make separate meals for everyone.
@angel222 I‘m a single dad of 2 children, and I had to keep my business running. I just ate whatever was available, barely any time to sit down and eat a real meal.
Now they are 16 and 9, and everything is back to normal again, sometimes they even cook something for me. Raising children is hard, but it pays off one day 😆
@nimfacollins I was running a small massage studio and still practicing when my kids were young in my 20’s. I’m not sure it would feel right to eat Mac n cheese out of a bowl instead of off the stove. But my real advice is a bit of a splurge. I like those Sargento balanced breaks and fancy trail mixes. Somehow my special snacks provide more energy than calorie equivalent alternatives. Also sometimes I chug a protein shake as a beverage with breakfast, then I last til dinner.
@nov8ion Oh, I still remember something… I tried to quickly eat some kind of croissant with mustard cream and cheese. I cut it open, and eeew no, there was chocolate in it! And guess what! I still put the mustard cream and cheese on it and ate it. Yeah, lack of options and time made me eat disgusting things 😆
@angel222 On Sundays I meal prep my lunches. Usually salads. I have 5 identical containers, split up a package of lettuce, toss in veggies, croutons, a clementine, a hardboiled egg, chicken, and a babybel cheese.