Help Interpreting Modern Fertility Results?


New member
I’m 23 and while I don’t plan on having kids in the near future, I know that I eventually want 3 or 4 and decided to order a Modern Fertility testing kit. Many of my results seem to be in an abnormal range, so I wanted to get some advice. My results are below:

AMH: 2.71 ng/mL
FSH: 9.79 mIU/mL
E2: 19.5 pg/mL
PRL: 51.86 ng/mL
LH: 4.51 mIU/mL
TSH: 2.03 uIU/mL

I’ll be making an appointment with my doctor but any advice is appreciated!
@mic747eal AMH: within normal range
FSH: within normal range
E2: depending on your source, normal range starts between 15-30 and ends between 350-400. A lot of lab values vary slightly depending on facility, but if you are concerned always reach out to your PCP
PRL: normal range for non pregnant females is 2-29 and pregnant females is 10-209
LH: levels change depending on your point in your cycle in which the sample is collected
TSH: within normal range