help! i’m going crazy


New member
I had unprotected sex on the 3rd day of my period we did it twice, he pulled out each time i don’t even think he finished the 2nd time to be honest, i took a plan b like 14 hours after. i’ve been cramping and having a little back pain but idk if that’s from the plan b ,ending my period, or anxiety bc this has been stressing me out since the day after it happened. is it possible that i’m pregnant?? most people i’ve talked to in person have said it’s unlikely i j want to hear from others.
@apc_carrier You had unprotected sex so yes it’s possible. Unlikely, but possible. A test is accurate 2 weeks after sex and definitive after 3. Use protection if you don’t want to get pregnant.
@jameslog thank you for your feedback! helps my mind be at ease some, i was very stupid n this will not be happening again, i’m getting back on birth control asap. i was super dumb in this situation.
@apc_carrier you had sex on your period unprotected. possible but just like cherry said, unlikely. it's possible given the fact that if there was sperm inside you, it can live up to almost 5 days in the right condition giving a window for ovulation to start. but since you had a plan b, im guessing it would delay your ovulation. take my words with a grain of salt though since im a dude who's just educating himself!
@af2018af2018 thank you for sharing what you think!! truly just hearing the words helps for reassurance i keep sending myself into a spiral ab this, i’m getting back on birth control asap! and i’m still learning too ab most things i feel like school(in the us atleast) did a horrible job on even trying to explain reproductive health and sexual health to us.

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