@j3r3m3 Mine just got cleared for a cpap after his snoring was too bad we had to separate bedrooms! Like OP, it didn’t bother me before but the post baby sleep resentment is so real! And it will end up saving his life, his apnea was incredibly bad.
@scareddofthedecline Yup! I really hope it helps! The difference in energy with cpap sleep vs. non is insane in our case. Before there were definitely days I couldn’t sleep, i’m so glad that was pre-baby.
@kylievaduva123 same. it makes me so incredibly angry it’s honestly scary. and i feel bad for getting mad at him cuz i know he can’t control it but ohmygoddddd
@kylievaduva123 I took myself and baby to the guest bedroom haha. If we didn’t have a big house, I’d buy a new cheap king mattress from Amazon and have him sleep on it in another room
@confusedbuthopeful Idk - could you wear those loop style earplugs that tone down noise but don’t totally cancel it out?
I wake up when I feel baby move, not when he makes noise (he’s not a super noisy sleeper). My husband also snores occasionally and it is very annoying so I feel you!