He came inside the condom and period late


New member
So a week and a couple days ish ago I had sex w my boyfriend, and usually I’m so paranoid about pregnancy that I make him wear a condom plus pull out. But we were kind of drunk and he once came inside the condom and, around that time I also tried to put water in the condom to make sure there are no micro tears after the act and there was none…

Also I’m recovering from bronchitis maybe that’s a reason my period could be late? My breasts are sore but that’s all the symptoms I have which is usual…

I hate having crippling pregnancy anxiety every month, I’m gonna try and get on the pill

EDIT: Not pregnant (obviously.) My uni gynecologist explained how it’s not so easy to just get pregnant like that and now, I’m on the pill. Please don’t freak out y’all. It’s not so easy also to get pregnant. If that were the case literally everyone having even safe sex would be pregnant all the time.
@katrina2017 I wasn’t pregnant. Ofc. Then, the doctor saw my anxiety + prescribed me vestura (combo birth control pill) and I’ve been taking that consistently :)

I still feel paranoid but much less than when I was using condoms only
@prairie02 As long as the condom was used correctly which it sounds like it was, there’s no chance of pregnancy. Your period is late due to ovulating later than expected
@prairie02 Hey girl I saw your comment on the other post, I came as fast as I could 😂

So, don't worry, you are not pregnant. Condoms are usually 100% safe if you test after for any damage on it, you did great. The only way they can malfunction is if they rip or they come off partly, but both of those are very noticeable.

No worries, periods aren't usually written in stone, they may vary due to the moon phase, stress, hormonal changes etc or just because, you cannot tell why.
Once I completely missed a period without being pregnant or having sex, another time my period came 1 week late etc. So big differences are also pretty common, but don't stress on one or two days! ❤️

Feel free to take a test if your heart needs it, but you're not pregnant darling, rest assured. 🤗
@prairie02 I am in the exact same situation rn. He wore a condom and came inside it. I've got sore breasts and waiting for my period to come. It's supposed to be due in a week.
@prairie02 The technical answer is that a pregnancy test is accurate 14 days after sex and definitive 21 days after sex.

So if you want to be sure that's when you need to test.