He’s SUCH a Good Dad: A Moms V. Dads Expectations Rant

@muireach Omg yes! My sibling recently told me that my parents had an “agreement” that she would do everything because he didn’t want kids. Prime male energy. (Love you too, Dad!)
@melista When there’s dads out there like my dad that wasn’t even there when I was born then yeah your husband is a good dad. The standards are lower for men. It’s a shame.
@melista Every time my husband goes out shopping with our two girls he constantly gets comments, smiles, and stared at. Like he's father of the year. I take out my kids and get scowls when my toddler is eating a cracker in the shopping cart 🙄
@melista I think it’s because they received the bare minimum with their partners.

I say the same thing about my husband now. We just had our first together and I have a 10 year old. He works a lot of hours then comes home and cooks and takes baby off my hands. Where as with my first I was lucky if her dad held her so I could pee
@melista I hate this stuff!!!! My husband’s default is coming to the appointments unless we would lose some of his income for doing so. Whenever he gets praise for doing so, he says, “…Well, this is my child, isn’t it?” Glad to see parents actually creating equity in their families.
@melista I love my boyfriend but he doesn’t help out nearly as much as he should. It makes me so angry when all he does is hold the baby and my in-laws praise him for being such a good dad and how much baby loves her daddy. Baby does love her daddy but I do 95% of the diaper changes, all the feedings (EBF) all tummy time and developmental play, pretty much everything. It was 5 weeks before he put her to bed one time and that was because I was about to have a breakdown put her in his arms and took a shower.

I know there are great dads out there that do just as much if not more (other than birth or breastfeeding) than moms but it frustrates me to hear that when I can’t even pee in peace and my boyfriend happily sleeps 8-10 hours a night, gets to eat, pee, shower, to go friends houses when he wants and I am currently a slave to my baby. Don’t get me wrong I love her so much but I can’t wait to be past the newborn stage
@melista I think it’s cute when someone says this about my husband I’m like ‘I know right he’s so amazing I love him so much’ (also still pregnant)
@melista oh I feel this! my husband also comes to all the appts and occasionally has to cancel work/get time off at short notice to come to them (complicated pregnancy with consultant care). it’s lovely & i appreciate him. but also, it’s his baby too and i’m the one actually y’know growing it, so showing up is also kind of the least he can do?
@melista My husband was highly praised for being such a good support in the delivery room. I asked them why and apparently it's quite common for dads to be useless and come in drunk.