He’s asleep before 7…


New member
My 3 year old is PASSED out before 7pm and I’m going to spend the rest of the night doing absolutely n o t h i n g. That is all. Happy Monday friends.

Edit: Woke up at 9:30pm and thought he wanted a snack. Snoring before I could get him one.
@romantic2013 Are they still napping? Ours would take 1-2 hrs to go to sleep, and god forbid we left the room. Since he's started to drop naps he's out like a light within 10 minutes. Heaven.
@caoc24843 Same. We start bedtime at 6:40 and he’s asleep by 7:20. Amazing and I need a few hours alone at night. BUT! He wakes up at 6 AM and often earlier AND he doesn’t nap. You can’t win them all!
@mila Nope! My younger one still naps 2hrs and is sometimes up just before 6am but no matter what we’ve tried that’s just his natural wake up time.
@dmoffett All hail the later schedules! There have definitely been days when I’ve wished bedtime was a little earlier but it’s not worth the trade off of waking up before 7 am!!
@neilgram I’m soooo glad this isn’t just us. I don’t personally know many people who are on the later schedule and sometimes I’m like is this fine? But she sleeps 12+ hours, and we don’t go to daycare, so why not! Until she starts school, then we’ll make some adjustments. But for now this has worked very well for us for a couple years.
@dmoffett It’s fine. Some sleep expert at some point managed to convince everyone that babies “need” an early bedtime because they sleep deeper before midnight?? And also the idea that babies will wake up early no matter what you do. Neither of these things are true. As long as you’re following a consistent, age appropriate schedule (regarding wake windows) and your child is getting adequate sleep that’s all that matters!! I’m in the US but I feel like I’ve heard in Spain it’s very normal to be up late and put kids to bed late. Whatever works for you!!
@dmoffett Same! As a SAHM the early schedule doesn't make sense to me. If we all had to get up and go to daycare and work then I can see it. But we start bedtime at 8:30 and she's generally down by 9:30, sometimes a tiny bit earlier. She's actually just waking up now at 7:45 am and we get a 2 hour nap most afternoons. I have no idea how I'd start bedtime before 7, that's dinnertime!
@dmoffett SAME, same, same! Although it’s more like 10.30pm to 9.30am for me but even if it was a 8.30am wake up I still prefer it. It sounds nice to have a free night but the thought of being up at 5, 6am with a kid is ouch. I’m a night person for sure!
@jesusatemydog this! it doesn't matter what time my son goes to sleep, he's up at 6. The only exception is if he's sick- if he sleeps past 7 it's a 100% sure sign he's sick.

I NEED him to go to bed early, and while sure early mornings can be rough and I rarely get to workout in the morning like I'd prefer, my adult/me time in the evenings make it worth it.