Hcg didn’t double


New member
Hi all!

Driving myself crazy here and I know I should just let things be but it’s so hard! I had a missed miscarriage in 2020 followed by a healthy pregnancy in 2021. January 2024 I had a chemical and now I’m pregnant again.

Had my first hcg at 5+0- 3,253
Repeat hcg 48 hours later at 5+2- 4,206.

My doctor ordered another lab draw for tomorrow.

Not looking for false hope but wondering if anyone has had results similar with success?

This part is so hard!

Edited to add: 3rd beta hcg was 7,256. Going in for an ultrasound this week

EDIT: Transvaginal ultrasound at 6+0- we saw a gestational sac, yolk sac and fetal pole but measuring closer to 5 weeks sometime. Doc wasn’t super thorough but was happy to rule out ectopic and blighted ovum. Going back in a week at what should be 7+0.
@greymon I’m going against the grain here. That is a 129 hour doubling time, with 72-96hrs being the large majority of viable pregnancies at this level. It generally doesn’t slow down so much until after 6,000.

I really hope it turns out well, but this was almost exactly like my blighted ovum numbers at this gestation 😞
@tigr Mine slowed down to 85hrs once I hit 4500, my HCG only went up to 7100 in like 60 hours, but my next draw skyrocketed up to a 48hr doubling time again so it can definitely slow down after the thousands but I do 100% agree that this is much too slow - I’m sorry op I hope I’m wrong but I’d guard your heart.
@tigr Yea I am expecting the worst at this point. Sorry to hear of your loss. Pregnancy after loss is full of anxiety and fear. I don’t wish it on anyone. I will update when I get the results from today’s blood draw.
@greymon This is wonderful!!! The success stories I have seen when betas go sideways, they tend to recover the next draw. I would take heart that your doubling recovered so well, assuming the draws were no more than 4 days apart (as hcg slows down again naturally at 6,000) 🫂
@greymon This happened to me at 6 weeks, and they told me I needed a US for viability, and while there was a fetus growing on time, the heart rate was low. She hung in for a little while, but I am now currently miscarrying at 8 weeks.

That doubling time is 129 hours. The minimum it should be is 72 to 96 hours. I don't mean to scare you, but I did the same thing, scoured the web, posted something similar to this asking for advice, and got some posts on success stories, but overall, it wasn't good.

Hopefully, your next draw doubles, and you had a one-off issue. Those do happen.

I hope the best for you, but I would most definitely guard your heart. I'm so sorry.
@thomasking88 Hi if you don’t mind sharing, what was the heartbeat at 6 weeks? I just did my US at 5w5d and my numbers did double on correctly but the heartbeat was only at 94.
@five2one Her heartbeat at 6+5 was 91, and they want it above 100 at that point, more like 120. If you're less than 6 weeks 90-110 is just fine, so that heartbeat is great! Your babies heart likely JUST started beating.
@greymon Your numbers look great- I’m jealous! After hitting 1200 they don’t double as fast and double more like every 72-96 hours
@greymon I had a slow rise like this at 6 weeks. The weeks before and after I did double normally. I made it to nine weeks, even saw a strong heartbeat, but I lost my baby. Guard your heart, but I'm hoping for a better outcome for you. 🙏
@greymon Please keep me posted I'm in the same boat with almost exact same hcgs. 1863, 3552, 4779. Last one was 5w3d. I go for another blood test tomorrow at 5w5d.

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