Has anyone taken two rounds of Misoprostol and it work the second time?


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Update: for anyone who sees this in the future, the second round of miso did not get everything out. So I ended up needing to get a D&C. In hindsight, I wish I would’ve just gotten the D&C done in the first place rather than waiting and hoping the medication worked the second time but don’t regret trying it the first time. All my best ❤️
Hi all, unfortunately I had a missed miscarriage that I found out the two gestational sacs stopped growing at 6weeks at my 8 week appointment on 8/24. The next day I was prescribed misoprostol (4 pills vaginally then another 4 12 hours later). Today I had my follow up ultrasound and although I passed the sacs and about 65-70% of the tissue, I still have some retained tissue and a thickened uterus lining. They prescribed me another round of misoprostol to try to get the rest of it then the last resort is D&C (trying to avoid due to the cost).

Has anyone taken a 2nd round of the medication and it got everything out?
@jenlo I had 4 pills for each round of miso (I can't remember the dosage of each pill), I took them orally and let them dissolve under my tongue for 30 mins. I was given 4 initial pills, then my doctor followed up with me 2 days later, when I described my experience he prescribed me 4 more pills.

I wish you luck with your second round and I am very sorry for your loss!
@jenlo I took three rounds but still had retained tissue. I got my period soon after (about 45 days from the first round) and passed the remaining tissue about 2 months after the last round. I got pregnant again 2 months after that.

Good luck, I am so sorry for your loss.
@jacquesr Thank you for sharing your experience! So glad to hear you got pregnant again fairly quickly after. I hope to have that outcome, fingers crossed 🤞🏼
@jenlo I had a MC at 5w. I took 4 in the morning and was only instructed to take other 4,12 h later I didn’t start my period yet. Stuff started to come out 2-3 hrs after I took it in the morning and I had a follow up u ultrasound like 2/3 weeks after. I still has stuff coming out for like 4 days.
Not sure why they did a follow up so soon.
@jenlo I had a MMC around same time frame as you (found out at 9 week visit that embryo stopped developing at 6w0d). I opted to do misoprostol and had to do a second round, which ultimately passed everything. It was about 10-12 hours after the second round that I started passing large clots, then more large clots and tissue over the next couple of days, then spotting for the rest of the week. The first round basically did nothing, but after the second round, it was just about a week and I was done, no longer needing pads or panty liners. Good luck I’m so sorry you’re going through this it’s just awful.
@jenlo Yes I also did two rounds and it honestly took forever to pass. About 1 to 2 months after taking 2nd round I was bleeding. If I could do it over I would have done the d and c insurance should cover.. they should be able to give you an estimated cost out of pocket. I would have done the d and c simply because of lost time I felt it took longer to have regular cycles and ovulate again. However I am 36 and I hated so much time was wasted.
@xleeovel Thank you for sharing your experience! I was originally planning for the d &c but because I have a high deductible HSA insurance I would have to pay the rest of my deductible before insurance covered any of it which would’ve been $1,800 :/
@jenlo I took SIX doses over the course of two weeks. I only had cramping (but no bleeding) the first dose. Then I had light intermittent bleeding throughout the 2 weeks. Thought for sure I was going to red a D&C but my OB was working with me bc with my insurance it would been 3-4000$. I just went in for an ultrasound this week and the sac wasn’t there anymore and most of my lining was thin but there was some tissue stuck at my cervix which wouldn’t come out bc it was too thick. My OB dilated me and pulled it out. There might still be a little left he thinks will pass with my next period. I barely bled the whole time but ultimately it worked out. OB said he’s never had a case like this in 20+ years.