Hand Foot Mouth Disease Timeline HFMD 3 and 1 year old

@shstlws01 Oof, HFM is no joke. I'm so sorry you all went through that.

My 14 month old had it a few weeks ago, on our beach trip. She was also teething and had an ear infection. It was absolutely miserable. She started with a low grade fever the first couple of days that went away easily with tylenol, so we just chalked it up to teething. On the third day, I noticed the mouth ulcers. From there it was a shit show for a few days. Luckily she never really got a rash/blisters, other than some very tiny red dots on her feet for a day or two. Her poor mouth, though. Eating was rough. And that's like her favorite thing to do. 😔
@shstlws01 My 1.5yr son had it in June, and it was similar to your older child. But one thing that happened to him in late July was his fingernails splitting right in the middle of his cuticles. We were terrified because it was 4 of his fingers and we had no idea what caused it.
When we took him to the doctor, they told us it was one of the things that can happen after HFMD.
I hope you're all resting better now, the sleeplessness damn near killed all of us in my house
@shstlws01 This is the worst disease. I caught it from my 16 month old and thankfully had it worse than baby, but I wouldn't wish it on my worst event. Hopefully this is your family's one and only encounter with it 🤞
@shstlws01 My 18 month old has HFM right now. His symptoms started Monday afternoon/evening and he still has a temp and spots, but very few blisters. His little bottom is covered in spots.

But I’m confused, I know he can go back to daycare when the temp is gone, but do the spots have to be done too? I read that HFM could still be contagious for weeks!!!
@orangetabbycat If the blisters have popped or are scabbing ovee he’s not in pain and there’s no symptoms, chances are he’s not contagious anymore. Our doctor said they CAN be contagious after, but they are most contagious after the symptoms appear, that’s why it runs so rampant in child care facilities. The virus also lives in poop for months, so proper hand washing is key.
@shstlws01 Okay I’m about to lose my mind. I am in the throes of it with my 4 year old right now. We are on day 5, and this is the worst virus I’ve ever experienced. I have 4 children, my first got HFM as a baby but it was very mild.

But holy fuck this is awful and I feel like this will never end. I know it will but god damn. My little girl is currently crying because she’s so itchy she can’t sleep. She had a 102.5 fever for 4 days, so much congestion, and finally her fever broke today…only to be plagued by these awful itchy blisters.

I just want to scream. I feel so sad for her and I hate this virus with a passion.
@shstlws01 This gives me hope. Both my girls were super mild and are over it.

I, unfortunately, seem to be close to your husband’s description. I’m on day 5 and would LOVE if I could walk comfortably tomorrow.
@shstlws01 Thanks for this. We got notification from daycare that someone in my daughters class had HFM. Today she woke up with a fever and we're starting to notice bumps. Helps to see a timeline of events.