Hand Foot Mouth Disease Timeline HFMD 3 and 1 year old


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I wanted to share this information because when this disease entered our household I couldn’t find anything like this online and I’m hoping it will be helpful to others who get it and it also shows how different this sickness can present itself in different children and adults. Also, it does get better and it will end. There was a few days there when I didn’t think it would and got very depressed. We’ve had Covid, stomach bugs, so many horrible other viruses that caused mucous to ooze from the eyes, ear infections, chest infections, RSV, croup… and this was by far the worse. I can give any more information if any one requests.

Daughter (3years, 9months)

Day 1 (Sept 27): fever started around 6pm, irritable, struggling to sleep.

Day 2 (Sept 28): noticed some spots in the afternoon, thought it might be bugs from outside? Difficulty sleeping, no appetite.

Day 3 am (Sept 29): no more spots

Day 3 pm: more spots, definitely HFM, very restless sleep. Issues falling asleep and staying asleep. Little appetite.

Day 4 (Sept 30): more spots, nothing extreme, in better mood

Day 5 (Oct 1): same amount of spots, some drying out already, none blistered and popped

Day 6 (Oct 2): less spots, more drying out

Day 7 (Oct 3): back to daycare, back to normal, still few spots, no blistering or popping.

Son (1year 1month)

No fever to indicate sickness coming

Day 1 (Sept 30): notice spots, very irritable, no appetite, falls asleep for 5 mins, wakes up crying. Goes to sleep very late (11:45), wakes up every 15-45mins, wakes up at 4am

Day 2 (Oct 1): many more spots, very irritable, refusing to eat, napping poorly, doesn’t want to nurse, doesn’t want to play, refusing sleep - screaming every time he wakes (10mins at a time). Rash on bum, groin, armpits, mouth, nose, hands, legs, feets. desperately take him to the ER because he’s screaming. Doctor says “this is the disease keep doing what you’re doing and if he’s dehydrated or not better in a week come back”.

Day 3 (Oct 2): non stop crying. Many more spots, blisters filling with puss, Eats cold mac and cheese and watermelon. Eats pudding but only if I spoon feed him. crying at the breast, poor naps, fussy at bedtime, Wakes every 2 hours after 10pm bedtime.

Day 4 (Oct 3): blisters popping, still seems to be more coming up. In a better mood, has a 75min nap and 20min pm nap. Eats cold mac and cheese and watermelon. Eats pudding but only if I spoon feed him. More interest in breast. Fussy for bedtime.

Day 5 (Oct 4): woke up at 4. Incredible fussy, super unhappy, eating better. Short naps. More interest in the breast. Sores seem to be drying out, smaller ones seem to be fading. Fell asleep for bed no problem.

Day 6 (Oct 5): woke up at 7am, only two wake ups. Best sleep he’s had since he got sick. Eating better. Protesting naps, very upset when being put down. No new spots, smaller ones continuing to clear up, some spots are drying and some that blistered are popping. Fell asleep no problem at bedtime

Day 7 (Oct 6): rash/sores in diaper area looking better, any smaller rashes (thighs, armpits, back) have cleared, only larger sores/blisters/scabs remain, fussy for naps but eventually settled. Good sleep.

Day 8 (Oct 7): diaper area clearing, mood back to normal. More scabs, more healing, only 1 blister that hasn’t popped (popped by end of day).

Day 9 (Oct 8): same as day 8, diaper area looking better every day, all blisters have popped and are healing.

Day 10 (Oct 9): Last update. Sores/blisters have scabbed and clearing up. Some peeling on his hands.

I will provide more another update when all the sores/scabs have completely gone away. Also, if any nails fall off.

My husband got it too, very mild compared to my son, but worse than my daughter. He had cold symptoms the entire time and a few days of aches/chills/fever. The only symptoms I had was cold symptoms that lasted about a week (sore throat, cough, congestion).

Husbands timeline was:

Day 1 Oct 1: pm, noticed some spots, assumed bug bites since adults don’t usually get it

Day 2 Oct 2: am, definitely HFMD, notice more spots, “hands and feet feel itchy and tight”

Day 3 Oct 3: walking incredibly painful, “feels like walking on hot coals” limping around, more spots, hands, feet, around the nose and face up to ears, no sores inside his mouth

Day 4 Oct 4: walking still painful, very uncomfortable, very unhappy, more sores appearing, none appear to be blistering,

Day 5 Oct 5: lots of spots, walking still super painful, none blistering though. Hands hurt. Grumpy, but rightfully so.

Day 6 Oct 6: hands and feet not hurting as much, can walk comfortably, spots clearing up a bit.

Day 7 Oct 7: hands and feet no longer hurting, spots clearing up quickly and suddenly.

Day 8 Oct 8: sores clearing even more, healing incredibly fast.

Day 9 Oct 9: back to normal, few lingering sores, barely noticeable.

I hope this helps another family plagued by this sickness.
@shstlws01 Cold, non acidic foods are key! We're in the midst of it with my 18 mo and figuring out that she'd eat cold chicken noodle soup felt like a huge win. I'm sorry your 1 y.o. was so sick. The rashes ate absolutely horrible.
@shstlws01 I have a three year old and her timeline was nearly identical to your three year olds time line. She had it a couple of weeks ago. My mom caught it from my other child and I was also surprised that an adult caught it.
@shstlws01 Sounds rough! Hope you all recover 100% soon!My 21month old just got over this. The blisters were not awful actually - I was terrified he would be in a lot of pain but just a few spots on his fingers and below his lips.

The worst was the fever on and off 105F, full on congestion and cough - he was a wrack! We made a trip to the Urgent Care when he hit 106f and threw up his Tylenol. Longest 2 weeks of my life.

Surprisingly I didn’t get anything other than a bad cold (even though I didn’t have it as a kid).
@shstlws01 I’m sorry your family got hit hard, especially your 1 year old!

Just to note, like any illness, symptoms and timelines can vary wildly between kids. I have friends and coworkers who have kids that got wrecked by HFM. Some adults too. I also know of kids and parents who had little to no symptoms. My daughter got it when she was about 1.5 years old and she spiked a fever for a day or two but no sores appeared. She had a low appetite for a day or two and it turns out she had a couple of small sores in the back of her throat. We got lucky but honestly we are probably the family that spreads these things because symptoms are mild. We kept her home only because we had heard HFM was circulating in her class. Otherwise we would have never thought to check her throat for sores.
@shstlws01 I feel like HFM was something I wasn’t prepared for as a parent. My kids and I had it last summer. My kids had a mild/moderate case, but I had a really severe one. It was the worst I’ve ever felt, including when I had COVID, the flu and a c-section.
@ramonguitar I had no idea what it was until a parent said we missed it when we were on vacation. Of course we didn't miss it and I honestly thought she was joking because I confused it with foot and mouth disease in cattle.
@samuelcox003 Mine did too. After all the skin peeled off my hands and feet, I still had some tingling where the biggest spots were. Then I lost my nails.

My husband got it as a kid and didn’t get sick at all.
@shstlws01 My son contracted this at his first birthday party (😢) and again at 20 months at his first day of daycare. They can get it more than once! Luckily the second time he only had a few blisters on his hand, but still had a fever for a few days and was pretty sickly. The second time I got it too but my only symptom was a fever for 24 hours.

A few weeks after my son was better, another mom at daycare came up to me to ask how he was...she then proceeded to tell me that she hoped he did not get hand mouth and foot from her son....smh
@shstlws01 My son is currently working his way through HFM. He’s 16m. I thought he felt a little warm on Thursday night the 6th, and he had a bump on his lip, but I thought it could be a mosquito bite because he is so susceptible to them. I didn’t get him ready for daycare on Friday so I didn’t notice anything weird that morning, and he wasn’t warm so we didn’t check his temp. He ate and slept fine. Then, when my husband picked him up on Friday, daycare was like, “oh, he has HFM.” I was shocked they hadn’t called us to pick him up. No fever, only bumps/rash on hands, feet, and butt. He’s been happy and playing as normal. So it really seems like the virus can be almost nothing, or quite severe.

Thank you for sharing this. I hope you all are feeling better soon!
@shstlws01 When my daughter got it, she didn’t have any spots externally on her skin, but did have 1-2 in her mouth/throat. Was screaming and absolutely refused all milk/water for 13 hours. We were nearing ER levels of dehydration. I was terrified.

The only thing that gave us relief was liquid Mylanta, just enough to coat the mouth via a dropper, so then she could drink/eat some as recommended by the telenurse. I was nervous because it doesn’t say on the bottle that it’s okay for under 2, but my pharmacist brother-in-law who works for poison control confirmed there was nothing in it that would harm kids at any dose so a tiny amount to coat the mouth is no concern at all. I hope this helps someone because HFM was the absolute worst!
@shstlws01 HFM is the devils work. My son got it last fall at 10 months old and it’s been one of our worst illnesses. He seemed more miserable during it than he did with Covid and double ear infections.

Luckily, my husband and I never got it.
@sharon123 I 100% agree, double ear infection, chest infection, COVID, stomach bug….. HFM was by far the worse. My son is also an overachiever and cut 7 teeth in 6 days once and this was worse too.
@shstlws01 Urgh so sorry. glad you're all on the mend. My son had this when he was 8 months old and barely developed spots, definitely no oozing. Me? My case was so bad my doctor (an infectious disease specialist) said it was the worst case he'd ever seen and took nail samples. I was happy to give them because my nails all fell out anyway 😖 such a gross disease.