Had to extend maternity leave - how do I return?


New member
Hi everyone! I had my baby February 2023, and was due to return to work February 2024 but with the childcare crisis I had to extend my leave. I now have secured child care, and e-mailed my bosses May 9th stating I can officially return June 3rd and… crickets. I sent a follow up e-mail May 21st, and another e-mail yesterday.
I have confirmation that they received all of the e-mails but just haven’t responded, and my replacement is also totally in the dark about what’s going to happen with them.
I have a gut feeling they aren’t going to have me back, am I being paranoid? If that is the case what are my rights? I’m stressing out but I’m also feeling so bad for my replacement as we’re both just in limbo right now. I could have my EI extended but I would need to know before June 1st otherwise my claim will be closed.