Had a little scare


New member
Wife thought she was seeing signs of miscarriage yesterday at 7 weeks. Called advice nurse and she recommended going into ER. Luckily everything was good! Ultrasound was normal, saw a heartbeat and blood and urine came back with great hormone levels. It was 5 hours in the ER but worth it to know everything is fine! Her symptom she was nervous about was spotting w/ a little achiness. Posting this because y’all have encouraged me before and I hope this will encourage at least one dad out there who is going thru something similar!
@kristensss We had a similar thing. It’s really scary and you just feel powerless. Thankfully the ultrasound came back good. I was a ball of nervous energy till that nurse told me we were going to be fine.
@kristensss It’s terrifying isn’t it! We knew we had a higher risk so we’re extra vigilant. We ended up going in a few times for emergency checks but it all went well and I graduated a few weeks ago!
@kristensss I have made a total of 32 trips to the ER during my wife's incredibly difficult pregnancy. She had 5 miscarriages before and this was our last chance basically.

Every single time something seemed a little off we went to the hospital. And every time it turned out to be a REALLY good idea we went.
  1. She had a light yeast infection that seemed like nothing. Still went to the doctor, turned out to be full on pregnancy diabetes.
  2. Slight discomfort and spotting. Turns out she was having a weakened cervix that needed to be surgically stitched closed to keep the baby in.
  3. Belly ache *this happened 5 times. Turned out to be contractions. They gave her contraction stoppers, just in time. 10 minutes later and we would have lost the baby.
I don't wat to scare you, just know that you will never have to feel guilty for going to the ER, even if it seems there are no problems at all. I am also not a doctor so I tend to read all the signals wrong. Just go.

Eventually she gave birth at 32 weeks to an incredibly healthy baby that is now 1,5 years old and the light of our lives. It is SO worth it in the end.
@kristensss Oh boy, the ER for that. My wife and I have faced a miscarriage and some scares but we worked through our midwives and scheduling an ultrasound normally was usually pretty doable. They are generally pretty amenable to putting you through in a day or two if it's something you could actually wait for. I know the emotional ride in that space can be an absolute rollercoaster though. Glad it worked out for you all. It's a shame that the information out there is so unclear. My wife had spotting with the miscarriage and also with our current pregnancy that's going just fine. It's so common. But you read online and it's wildly unclear; feels like that's always the case online. "You could be dying, but it could be fine, but you could still be dying."
@cutestpets We don’t have an assigned midwife yet. Going forward we would be able to avoid the er, but we haven’t had our first appointment with the on yet. So that’s why. I know, it’s so tough sorting through helpful/harmful info online…

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