$h!tting on other people's happiness

@concretecamper Did you post on the main parenting sub? I find a lot of people on there to be really toxic. I don’t go there. This sub and r/toddlers seem to be pretty supportive overall.

Btw, my son was like your baby at 7m. He’s now 3.5 and while he does have his toddler moments, he is still a really good boy.
@concretecamper My oldest has always been a really great kid. Except a terrible sleeper as a baby 😂 besides that he is incredibly well behaved, sweet and so incredibly caring. He gets an attitude now and then or is down right mean but it's not very often. He's just hyper and never stops talking!

Then my middle child... lord help me she's on an entire different level. My house had to be baby proofed until she was about 4. She almost 5 now and I still have to be vigilant. She does not like to follow rules and could care less about anyone else LOL but she sleeps like a dream.

then there is my youngest. He's only 9 months now but he already gets into everything and really wants to be included with his siblings. He will follow them everywhere. Lots of energy and sleeps pretty good.

Things change and it's part of baby getting older and socialization.