$h!tting on other people's happiness

@concretecamper Yeah, I don't post in those type subs because of the hate I got the one time I was looking for advice.

Your kid sounds awesome.
I'd be worried too about a 7 month old interacting with older toddlers as they don't always remember to be gentle or know how to control their strength around little ones who are smaller than they are.
You got this.
@concretecamper Reddit can either be an incredibly supportive, encouraging community or it can be full of 💩heads. And to be honest I haven’t yet figured out what determines the response you’re going to get. For example I saw a post where a woman was praising her partner for being amazing- she got downvoted a ton. A couple days later I saw a similar post by a different person and it was upvoted a ton, so I really don’t know.

I’m sorry people were jerks. You deserve the chance to celebrate the good things just as much as people deserve the chance to vent about the hard things.
@concretecamper I got so much of that when my now-9 year old was a great-sleeper and very placid, chill infant - grave assurances that things would change and toddler years would be hell, etc. Guess what, he was also an easy chill toddler. And preschooler. Mellow all his life. The teachers and admins at school adore him, he gets compliments home on his report card that he works his hardest always. He's helpful around the house beyond his own chores sometimes without even being asked. He goes out of his way to include lonely or new kids at school or Cub Scouts. Ignore the haters, they don't know you or your kid, they just want everyone to be as miserable as they are.
@concretecamper I too have been stunned by the responses to me and others in this sub!!! It almost seems like whenever an alternative viewpoint is offered it just gets downvoted. But with no responses!!! This is especially true when posts express general contentment and greater compassion for other family members. Especially family related to husbands!!

Weird dynamic. But I still scroll each day for the posts that help me be a better mom and kinder person!!!
@concretecamper I’m one of those moms that hates being sat next to a big loud family at a restaurant. So I get it, you want to enjoy your time outside of other people’s crotch monsters and that should be your choice. I see nothing wrong with that.
@susansnook Sorry to offend didn’t realize people take so much offense at that particular word. I see many other moms referring to their own children like that, I call my daughter that all the time. Are kids not goblins that come from our crotches?
@jreneant01 You can call someone's kids whatever you want. Jokes can come off in bad taste if someone is asking for people to be kind and calling someone's kid names can fall in that category.
@concretecamper I remember when mine finally started walking and I was really excited. Not just because it's a big milestone, but because he's easier to take outside or take places because I can actually put him down and he's not crawling on the ground. Also because he's one step closer to getting out of the toddler phase 😂
Anyways, a guy at work told me he was sorry because it just gets worse. Like yeah, I know it'll be more challenging, but don't shit on my parade just because fatherhood has been miserable for you.
@concretecamper My response is always "that sounds like it was really hard for you". They want to be a martyr, but they don't want to be seen as weak. Somehow in their mind it's the children that are wrong
@concretecamper I have chill kids even as toddlers they like to run wild and play sure but they aren’t some kind of unmanageable monster (most of the time). Kids are people they have different personalities.

People who are trying to rain on your parade are just miserable and any to spread that misery.