Gush of blood at 7 weeks 3 days


New member
I just had an incredible ultrasound yesterday and a great heartbeat. Baby is measuring 4 days ahead. I have been spotting with a tiny bleeding on and off for 2.5 weeks, doctor didn’t find a sch. The last time I had a little bleeding was 2 days after an ultrasound. I just woke up at 3am with a gush of dark red blood when I went to the bathroom. It’s not filling a pad and stopped gushing but it’s still there. I’m freaking out. Would an ultrasound cause that much blood?

Editing to add the gushing has continued all morning. Went to my doctor, ultrasound of baby still looked great with a strong heartbeat. Was bleeding all over the table. Doctor said it could be okay and it could not be okay. He would prefer not to see the bleeding but he still thinks it could be okay. I’m a mess.
@promise1 Maybe this can offer you some reassurance but I had a transvaginal ultrasound yesterday 6w5d and also had blood this morning. Doctors didnt see a SCH during yesterday’s scan. I figure the cervix was irritated from wanda. You can always let your clinic know but hopefully its nothing and just a little irritated just try to take it easy :)
@promise1 I went through something that sounds very similar. I spotted most of my first trimester daily. Doctors never found a sch either. At 10 weeks, i gushed out blood, which then was bright red spotting, then the next morning there were some small clots. Went to the Urgent Care- turn out i had a SCH. I am now almost 15 weeks and baby boy is doing great. Also, I spotted almost after every ultrasound I had at the beginning- my cervix always got so irritated. I would definitely messege to let ur doctor know of any bleeding/ gushing and they can advise you further what to do/ possibly reassure you. Hoping the best for you ♥️
@hh316 Do you happen to know what your HCG levels were? I’ve been having spotting (I’m now 5 weeks 6 days) for almost a week with slow rising HCG, and although my dr seems hopeful. Im terrified.
@hh316 Thank you! I went to my doctor right after it happened and he said the baby and heartbeat still looked great. No SCH. He said he would prefer there wasn’t bleeding but still seemed hopeful that it would turn out fine. But he also said only time will tell and it could go either way. I’ve just been a mess with all of this.
@hh316 Thank you! I went to my doctor right after it happened and he said the baby and heartbeat still looked great. No SCH. He said he would prefer there wasn’t bleeding but still seemed hopeful that it would turn out fine. But he also said only time will tell and it could go either way. I’ve just been a mess with all of this.
@hh316 Thank you! I went to my doctor right after it happened and he said the baby and heartbeat still looked great. No SCH. He said he would prefer there wasn’t bleeding but still seemed hopeful that it would turn out fine. But he also said only time will tell and it could go either way. I’ve just been a mess with all of this.
@promise1 I was further along but I once had a cervical exam and as I walked out of the exam room I felt a massive gush (confirmed when I went into the restroom), thankfully I was literally still at the OB's office so I went back in and she actually had to get me into position for an exam so she could stop the bleeding because my cervix was so irritated (the word she used was "friable"). Baby was fine (he's 3 now). It can definitely happen! I'd send a message to the OB's office just to let them know and keep an eye on it.
@drhostetler Thank you! That’s amazing the doctor was able to stop the bleeding, how did they do that? My doctor said my cervix looked fine and he didn’t see an SCH. I went back for an ultrasound as this was happening. Baby and heartbeat still looked good, and doctor still thought it will all be fine, but he also said it could go either way and we have to wait and see what happens. I’m such a mess.
@promise1 I'm so sorry, that sounds incredibly difficult. :( I have to think that they sometimes need to tell us that -- that it can go either way -- so they aren't promising us things will be fine and then have it go badly and we blame them. I don't think it always necessarily means they think things WILL go badly, just that they know that 7 weeks is still early and anything's possible. From what I recall, the doctor literally held gauze on it!
@promise1 So sorry to hear, how are you doing now if you don’t mind my asking? I hope things are ok. I’m 4 weeks 6 days and having bleeding and I am freaking out so much.