Growth ultrasound :-/


New member
Hi mamas! So I went for a level 2 ultrasound at 21 weeks due to my husbands heart defect. Everything looked “normal”. It said LatV measured 9mm … was not flagged and was marked normal. Went for my growth scan at 30 weeks since this is IVF pregnancy and I’m 36 …. Regular OB said my right ventricle is measuring 10mm and the cisterna magna was also on the upper end of normal. He said both were on the upper limits of normal, but still high.

The doctor came in and basically explained the shunt being put in like it’s common knowledge to me and no big deal. I left in tears and sat in my car for about an hour crying. I’m going back to the level 2 ultrasound tech on Friday…. But has anyone had similar results? Just feeling very confused and left in the dark by my OB.