Growth spurt?


New member
Hi everyone. My LO is 7 weeks old today, and after a hellish few days of being extremely fussy and angry, she's been sleeping a lot. From last night, she slept.... 10 p.m. - 3 a.m, then 3.15 - 6.30, awake for an hour and a half, then asleep basically from 8 a.m. to now nearly 2 p.m. with just two feedings in between. She's also had three wet / dirty nappies in that time period.

I never want to wake a sleeping baby (especially after how angry she's been the last few days!!) but I'm a bit worried... Is this a growth spurt? She doesn't seem to have a temperature or anything...!
@my2kidsmom Mine is 9.5 weeks now - he’s done about 2-3 days of sleeping on me for as long as 6 hours just waking up to nurse while still half asleep after every single “fussy” period he’s had. So that usually looks like maybe a week of fussy fussy baby - then 2-3 days of clingy sleepy baby - then back to whatever “normal” is these days lol. The advice that my mom gave me is absolutely let them contact nap the day away if they need it as long as you try and see if they’ll go down for a nap on their own or play independently or let someone else hold him every single day. I try doing all of those things every day and if he refuses I let him rest, but out of nowhere one of those days he becomes completely chill with all of those things again! I think your baby is telling you exactly what she needs, just don’t subconsciously make it into a routine :)