Grandparents babysitting for$


New member
My MIL recently suggested that we can pay her to watch the kids I didn't mind initially she asked for $10/hr for my 3 kids. She only babysits occasionally maybe once every 8 weeks or so... what do u guys think about paying grandparents?? I think its odd paying a grandparent unless they are doing it regularly.
@roxolan If I were a grandparent, I wouldn't take a dime from my kids and that's how my MIL is. However, my mom lives quite a bit away and is retired so offered to watch our little one while we work from home for a little gas money because she's on a fixed income. I know she hates taking money from me but we love having her here and she loves being with our toddler. It's a situation that works for us but it's also based on our specific situation.

If something works for everyone, it's not weird for your family.
@roxolan Uhhhh very weird to me, my siblings had 6 kids and we often took them for free. But maybe she’s hurting for money and needs a little extra. Maybe kids aren’t her thing and she’s just doing you a favor cuz otherwise that’s like 45 an hour in NyC lol