Good try kiddo


New member
My son (6) was very upset at me for kicking him off the computer after he was playing Roblox for 2+hrs.

So he does what any normal kid/teen does when they've had too much screen time. He threw a mini tantrum, tried to tell me 'NO!', and then stormed off to his room with tears in his eyes saying 'Its not fair!' etc.

I go out for a quick smoke and I get in the door and see him dash into his room from mine, where my SO is on the phone with his mom. Kid has the remote control for his mud truck and ask him what he was doing. He said 'Nothing. Go away. Tell dad I left him something in the room.' I told him he better fix his attitude, close his door and go to my room to get a post it note off his truck.

This is the first time he wrote something of his own accord guys! It said... MOM IS EVEL!' I pass it to SO while he's still talking to his mom and his eyes widen...

I stomp off to kids room...

Me: You misspelled a word
Kid: What, did the V look like a U?
Me: No...
Kid: Then what?
Me: Evil is E-V-I-L not E-V-E-L...
Kid: I knew it!

He smacked his forehead and groaned. I told him that I was proud he was spelling and writing on his own and sounding out his words. I also told him that I'm not mad at him for feeling that I'm evil, since anyone is free to feel a certain way to a point. If he would like to discuss how he's feeling, I'll listen.

He hmm'd and huuh'd and finally said 'lets go outside and use the car'. So went went outside to play.

10 min. later he told me that he loved me and gave me a hug. I gave him one back and told him I loved him too 💜
@nomadheart A couple months ago my 6 year old wrote "I hate my mom" in marker on her desk after getting in trouble for something, I don't even know what. When I found it I wrote underneath: "I will always love you -Mom." She didn't notice it until a few days later, but she came out with tears in her eyes and gave me a big hug. She scribbled over her note, but left mine there. It was definitely a thing.