Good things come to those who wait


New member
Hi all!

I don't think I've made a proper introduction, I'm nearly 27, DH is 29, and have been married since August 2013. We've been together nearly 7 years, known each other for 9.

I've had baby fever for a while now, I've always had the assumption that we would start trying after the wedding. Well, DH had other ideas. After a lot of back-and-forth, him being reluctant to give me a timeline ("I a year... Or 5) he finally saw how upset I was, as I want to have two kids, and didn't want to start trying when I was 33. So his 30th birthday is in November. We're planning a Vegas trip with our friends to celebrate. He finally told me that we could start trying after Vegas.

(Tangent warning: I've been using FertilityFriend for a few months now, not on BC anymore, taking my temp daily and using OPK's to gain a better understanding of my cycles. I want to know exactly what's going on when we start trying. So I've looked ahead, and if my cycles remain consistent, I'll be ovulating right after Vegas!)

I could sense he's still hesitant about trying and wanted to spread our wings, do a bit more traveling. So I just found a Groupon for a cheap trip to Ireland! Like seriously, so cheap. I talked to him about it today and we figure it'll be perfect, take a trip to Ireland in September, Vegas for a shitshow of a birthday party, and start to TFAB!

All of my not-so-patient patience is paying off! And I'm hoping that because I'll understand my cycles so well, after charting for 10 months, we won't have to try for more than a couple cycles! And hopefully avoid a winter baby. Canada sucks for those 8 months.

Good luck to you all in your wait. It'll be over before you know it!

@myshepherd443 So much fun!!! Traveling is on our pre-baby to-do list, too! We're revisiting Niagara Falls for our fourth wedding anniversary this year (it was our Honeymoon spot) and then we're heading to Alaska. I plan to go off BC just before Alaska. Maybe we'll bring home a special souvenir, maybe not, but we're going to take a pretty relaxed approach to TTC.