FTM with a two week old. Should I be pumping too?


New member
I am a little confused and undereducated about BF. My babe lost 11% of her body weight after birth so at the hospital I was on a strict feeding schedule
1. BF 10-20 mins
2. Bottle feed/supplement x amount of mm
3. Pump for 15 mins

I went to my pediatrician who said I don’t need to pump, and can supplement if I needed it. Since switching my pumping has almost become non existent, I am barely getting any output, but babe seems to not be hungry after feeding. Does this mean she is being more efficient? Should I put the pump down for a bit? Ang advise would be greatly appreciated, I have a lactation appointment on Thursday to see if baby girl has gained weight.
@petty88 If baby is nursing and actually transferring/eating I don’t see any reason you need to pump after a feeding! My baby wouldn’t latch or when she did she would fall asleep so I was trying to nurse and then pumping while husband fed a bottle. Did that for weeks until I just stopped trying to latch and moved to exclusive pumping. Are you still bottle feeding/supplementing after a nursing session? Is baby having enough wet diapers from just nursing? If yes then sounds like baby figured out the nursing thing and you’re doing great!!
@petty88 It sounds to me like your supply has caught up with your baby’s demands! If you’re not getting much from pumping and baby seems satisfied I’d stop pumping, and probably would never look back to be honest!
@petty88 Is your baby back at birth weight at 2 weeks? That could be why your pediatrician says you don’t need to pump. My baby lost 8-9% after birth but was back at birth weight by 10 days. Pediatrician told me we can feed on demand now instead of triple feeding, supplement with bottle if baby seems unsatisfied. Did a weighted feed around 3 weeks with lactation consultant and confirmed baby was getting a full feed, but she still recommended pumping 1-2x per day because I skip a night feed to sleep (husband gives a formula bottle at that time).