FTM Seeking Advice for Baby Sleep Hours w/ Work


New member
First time mom here. I have a 2 month old (he'll be almost 3 months by the time I return to work) & he will be coming to work with me. My work hours start at 5 am.

Right now, my baby is on a bedtime routine where he'll sleep about 5 hrs through the night. It is the longest stretch of sleep he gets as, during the day, he feeds every 2.5-3 hrs.

When I go back to work, it's looking like I'll be putting him to bed at around 10:30 pm so I can wake him at 3:30 am to feed him before we take off (I leave for work at 4:20 am to get to work just before 5 am). My question is: As he gets older & his feedings spread further apart & he sleeps more throughout the night, will I mess up his circadian rhythm by continuing to wake him up every morning at 3:30 am? I know it's important for babies to understand day & night for a good circadian rhythm, & I only plan on taking him to work with me for the next year...year & a half at the most. Will he be young enough that it won't matter, or matter much? Or will waking him so early in the morning mess him up in that way?

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