[For Fun] Happy CANADA DAY you hosers!!!!


New member

I might not be able to drink beer next Canada Day so I'm rippin it HARD this year! I know most of you ladies are in the states but you can still celebrate too! We are BFFs after all. Consider this your July 4th weekend warm up :)

Some recommendations to celebrate with your northern neighbours:

My favourite Canadian foods:
  • poutine (fuckin RIGHT!)
  • donairs
  • ketchup chips!! (I'm so sorry you guys don't have these, it's not fair)
  • tiger tail ice cream (orange ice cream w/ black liquorice swirls, sound disgusting, but it's a magical combo. Google it, it's beautiful.)
  • And my French Canadian family's favourites: split pea soup, chicken and sliders (here's a recipe that's closest to my grandma's - it looks ugly in that pic but it's delicious), and tourtiere!
  • Wash that all down with copious amount of Canadian beer and cider! We also make some excellent wine for your classier folks. And for the hardcore Canadians-at-heart, some Screech if you can find it. Go easy on that last one, eh bud?
My favourite Canadian movies and tv (NSFW language and Kenny's butt in links):
  • Trailer Park Boys
  • FUBAR (highly recommend if you like TPB)
  • One Week (w/ Joshua Jackson
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