Flu or common colds?


New member
9 weeks 2 days. I feel feverish but my highest temp is 37.3 c or 99 f. I have stuffy nose and dry cough. No body aches just head ache. I am nott also feeling extremely cold. Not taking anything. Just water and fruits. Is this a cold or flu? I’m very scared right now.
@deejayjr I can't speak to whether it's a cold or flu, but Emily Oster (my patron saint of rational thinking in pregnancy/parenting) actually just talked about first trimester sickness on her instagram, and she said that data shows that illness during first trimester usually doesn't impact the fetus. If your temp moves above 100, I'd probably check in with your doc just to be safe. In the meantime, just try to rest and stay hydrated - I have the world's worst chest cold right now so am in the same boat!