First ultrasound should show ... ???

@jesusis4us Thank you for sharing your betas, mine was 10000 at 5w2d and I had similar doubling times where mine started around 26 hr then at 42 hr the past week.

I don’t get an ultrasound until next week at 7w2d because they wanted to be sure they should be able to see cardiac activity. I would have expected the same as what you saw at 5w2d even with the high hcg, definitely gestational sac and yolk sac, but probably not fetal pole yet that early.

As another poster said, it is a combination of gestational age and hcg levels. So even though we have high hcg, that doesn’t override the fact that you’re only 5w2d where the fetal pole doesn’t usually show.
@rein_29 After having low beta which resulted in a chemical, I can't believe I'm now at the other extreme and can't be happy about it. My doubling rate this time started out at about 26 hours too. I just looked at betabase and I'm in the tail for Singletons or even twins...
@jesusis4us It’s like, can’t we just be in a normal range instead of extremes?

My last I was in beta hell where the first two were about 40 hour doubling, then the third went to 84 hour doubling and continued to rise slowly for weeks then ended in a MMC.

On the one hand I’m glad my hcg is the highest it’s ever been recorded for me, but I can’t help but worry.

If it helps any, my sister told me her hcg was always on the high end or higher than the range for each pregnancy and she had all singletons.
@rein_29 I did think of the possibility of multiples, but today on the scan it looks like one is still the most likely outcome and so I'm continued to be shocked by the still high beta again. I also don't really have symptoms other than slightly tender boobs despite the high beta. Not sure what to think of it at all.
@zogy101 I went for my first US at 6w0d / 28DPO when my hCG was almost 70,000 (yes, that’s the correct number of zeros). What I saw was just a singleton pregnancy that was measuring one day ahead (so 6w1d). I was also wondering whether my stratospheric betas would mean I’d see more development (or, as I was fearing, twins!) but they just happened to point to a normally developing pregnancy (with a FHR of 110-112, which was considered good). 5w4d is even earlier that when I went so I would not be too disappointed if you don’t see a fetal pole or hear a heartbeat yet – that would be just fine for the stage you’re at.
@zogy101 Also betas aren’t indicative of multiples. Some women just naturally produce higher hcg levels. Mine were 92 at 13 dpo, and my daughter is just over a month old. They doubled appropriately, but they weren’t super high to start!
@emy12 I’ve had two losses, and my daughter was born a month ago, and with all of them, I never saw a YS before 6w. Mayyybeeee 5w5d+ but never before that. Even my most recent pregnancy, her YS was really small when we did see it, and her pregnancy was perfect and so is she
@zogy101 Take the hcg cut offs with a grain of salt. Ive never seen what I'm supposed to according to those but I've seen what I'm supposed to according to my gestational timeline. The favt is that some women have high hcg so those cutoffs dont work.

My hcg is always high and ive only carried singletons.
@zogy101 I saw cardiac activity at 6w2 and my HCG was 1,900 on the same day. My HCG is weirdly low this time around but I saw everything, fetal pole, yolk sac, and heartbeat.
@zogy101 I went in at 5w4d-5w6d with this current pregnancy and my HCG was over 17,000 and all we saw was an empty gestational sac! So it honestly really just depends. I’m 16 weeks now with a healthy baby that’s measuring a week ahead.

HCG varies so widely and the cutoffs really shouldn’t be given too much thought.
@muholovka Thank you for this. Just replied to another comment but I’m 5w1d and my hcg should be around 7,000 (it was 1654 4 days ago) but we only saw an empty GS and I’m crying over it. Maybe there’s hope.
@muholovka Thank you. I needed this. ❤️ My gut said it was too early to go in for a scan and that I should’ve asked to reschedule bc I knew I was going to be upset if we saw an empty sac.
@zogy101 I had a US at that time and I just saw a sac measuring only 5.5 and freaked out, I spent the next two weeks full of dread and anxiety. I’d opt to wait til at least 7 weeks to do an ultrasound, but if you’re at risk for ectopic you should do one now but take it with a grain of salt. Some people see nothing and things turn out okay.

I’m currently 15 weeks pregnant and saw my baby measuring on time at 12w4d. NIPT came back good and she’s a baby girl. 🥹 you never know what is normal. Good luck mama.